Chapter 1

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I woke up and got out of bed slowly knowing if I got up to fast I would get dizzy. I saw some sort of movement out of the corner of my eye so I walked over to my window and looked out side. I soon after found out that the movement was coming from the house next to mine in the window right across from mine.

Before I could duck below my window the boys face came clear and he smirked at me and waved his hand slowly in a sarcastic way. I blushed and immediately closed my curtains and fell on my bed and screamed into my sheets.

Great I just moved here and I'm already ready to leave. I slowly walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I layed down on my stomach on one of our long Brown chairs and groaned.

"Good morning sweetie, the neighbors invited us over to there house for lunch so we'll be leaving in a half an hour" my mom cheerfully said. A HALF AN HOUR!! I yelped, and then ran back up stairs after eating breakfast. Now is one of the hardest decisions of the day for me, what should I wear?

I searched aimlessly through my drawers for something to wear. Soon after I laid out my outfit on my bed and nodded in approval. I had picked out a white t-shirt, a black and pink patterned skirt, and a black cardigan.

I curled my light brown hair into loose curls put my contacts in and did a light layer of makeup. I quickly looked at my self in the mirror. My contacts were doing a perfect job of hiding my natural eye color. After, I grabbed my converse and ran downstairs.

My mom was waiting for me leaning against the old wood door on her phone. "Sorry mom I'm ready let's go" I said as I hopped of the last step. "That's ok there right next door so we're walking anyway" she smiled up at me.

We left our house and walked out side. As soon as my mom lead me up to the door to our left my heart skipped a beat. I quietly took a deep breath in and looked over to my mom " y-you know mom I'd rather just stay home and eat l-lunch" I studdered. "Honey are you ok, and sorry but I already agreed but we can stay home all day tomorrow if you'd like" She responded.

My mom rang the door bell twice before the person I was planing to avoid answered the door. "Hi my name's Joey you must be Ms. Winters" the boy said with a grin on his face. " "oh please call me Barbara" my mom said smiling back. "And you are?" he said holding out his hand for me to shake. "Her daughter" I said not giving him my hand to shake. "Ok well please come in" he smiled awkwardly taking his hand down and gesturing for us to come in. I know he wanted my name but I didn't want to give it to him.

We walked inside waiting next to the staircase, waiting for Joey to show us where to go. He closed the door and led us into the dining room. "Barbara hello welcome to our house" a tall lady said hugging my mom. " hello Angelina" my mom said offering a smile.

I could feel eyes on me so I turned my head and found Joey staring at me. I smiled and blushed, not that I needed to saying my cheeks are already always pink. He realized I was looking at him and yanked his head to look at his mom trying to cover up and make it look like he weren't staring at me.

Angelina led us to our seats and as soon as I sat down a little boy about 5 or 6 came skipping into the room. "Hi mommy is lunch weady?" the little boy tried to say. I giggled at his poor attempt to say ready. And he looked up at me "she's pwetty mommy" He blushed. I blushed and smiled and found Joey looking at me once again. I didn't like him staring so I looked up at him and smirked. That's when I realized how pretty his eyes were. They were green in the middle shading into brown or a simpler term Hazel. We broke eye contact and started eating.

After lunch my mom told me that I could leave early because she was probably going to stay and hang out with Angelina. I was almost to the door when I felt a tight squeeze around my legs. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down and found James the little boy from earlier wrapped around my legs hugging me. "Don't go!" he whined, then Joey walked up behind us and bent down and said " hey Jamey how a bout you go watch paw patrol there on right now." James sprinted as fast as a cheetah in the living room.

"Thanks" I said to Joey

"No problem" Joey said then he looked up me and smirked.

"Come on" he was still smirking

He grabbed my wrist and ran outside as soon as we got outside he ran and then swung a cross his yard holding onto some branches from his weeping willow tree.

"That looks fun" I said sarcastically

He frowned and said "why are you all ways so down?" "Come on you gotta live a little" he grinned

"Fine" I said I started running and swung halfway before loosing my grip and slipping I started to fall and squized my arms against my chest preparing myself to hit the ground. But then I realized I never hit the ground I opened my eyes and looked up and came face to face with Joey, Joey caught me.

I was staring at Joey who was now smiling at me. I realized I didn't like how close we were so I pushed myself up and Joeys smile turned into a frown.

"I should get going" I said looking at the ground

"Oh ok" Joey sighed

I started to walk back to my house but a hand wrapped around my arm. "Hey so who are you?" he asked.

I turned around smirked at him and whispered in his ear "no one important."

Then I turned around and slowly walked back into my house. As soon as I walked through the door I shut it and then leaned against it and sloped down to the floor.

I ran up to my room and fell into my bed and let out a huge sigh. Then I felt my phone buzz so I went to pick it up and had a text from a random number saying "look out your window."

I yelped and then crawled around my bed and slowly crept up to look out my window.

I opened up my curtain slightly and saw...


Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter even though it was short I was thinking about doing the next chapter in Joey's point of view tell me what you think😀

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