Chapter 6- getting over you

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The next morning I'm to lazy to get out of bed so I just sit and read "to all the boys I've loved before" for the second time.

But I realize that I've been on the same page for 20 minutes now and close the book and put it on my night stand.

"Why can't I focus" I moan. But I know exactly why...  I have a crush on Joey even after what I just read about him. God Phoebe you need to get over him he's never gonna pick you in a million years. I tell myself and I keep chanting in my head HES POPULAR, HES POPULAR, HES POPULAR, but it doesn't seem to help much.

After that my mind wanders to what Victoria said to me in the stalls something about him being her boyfriend and if that's the case he's off limits anyway.

There's only 1 way I can get out of this...  Flora. Me and flora have became better friends and she's perfect for finding something to take my mind off of Joey. But wait I can't tell her I like Joey.

"Uuuuuggghhhhh, WHY IS MY LIFE SO FUCKING DIFFICULT" I yell into a pillow.

"Knock knock" I'm to lazy to get up and open the door myself so I just yell "COME IN!!" instead.

"Hey honey, you ok you haven't been outside of your room all morning?" my mom questioned.

I felt a sigh of relief pass over me as my mom came in, of course I can tell her about this whole thing just maybe not the part where it's Joey.

"Actually mom I'm having some boy problems?" I stated.

"Yayy!!.. Omg who, when, why, and, how?!" my mom screeched running over to my bed and plopping herself down right next to me.

"Omg mom your just to much sometimes" I struggled to get out in between fits of laughter.

"Well.. Answer!!" she pushed.

"Who: well that's confidential, when: it started a not to long ago, why: because he's really cute and I get butterfly's in stomach just being around him, how: well he kinda does a lot for me and is really nice and funny and it kinda just grew from there."

"Then my feelings decided to just pop out in front of me and surprise attack me and mom, I found out some stuff about him but I still like him but I don't think he likes me back, ughhh what do I dooo!!!" I pushed out everything and layed it on her and boy did it feel good to get all of that out even though she still. dosent know His name.

"Well honey...,  if this boy doesn't like you back he's obviously not worth it." she stated sighing and laying her back against my wall. Wow that's great advice only a mom could give that type A advice (note the sarcasm).

I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I simply smiled, it not quite reaching my eyes and nodded my head thanking her.

Later that day I was cleaning my room and getting ready for school the next morning when I suddenly picked up my backpack throwing it on my bed carelessly.

I gasped and nearly choked on my own saliva when I spotted my computer right under where my backpack was.

I threw myself at it snatching it up and hugged it spinning running and jumping on my bed.

I immediately plugged it in and turned it on. I smiled at the familiar background and opened Google chrome to read more on you know who.

But when I opened the tab...    It.was.blank...  Wellllll crap.

And then I began to wonder and question myself. .

I don't remember putting my laptop there and I even looked there and moved my backpack?

Something was definitely wrong and I was determined to find out just what that was.

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