Chapter 4 -First day of school

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Hey guys I was thinking of naming my chapters now let me know what you think!💩


"RING RING RING, RING RING RING" my alarm clock chimed.

"Uuuggghhhh" I groaned

"Wakie wakie" I knew that voice and it weren't my alarm clock.

I jumped up in shock and gave Joey the death stare.

"Woah , woah sorry dident mean to scare you but it's 10 minutes before we have to go so thought you'd want to know" he said shrugging.

"Wait first, what are you doing in my room and second, what do you mean 10 minutes before we have to go?" I asked puzzled.

"I'm in your room because I came in through the window and, today's Monday and now we only have 9 minutes soo... I'll leave so you can get ready." he said raising his eyebrows and closing my door behind him.

"CRAP only 9 minutes and it's my first day!!" I ran up to my dresser and picked out a strapless black dress with flowers all over it, next I got a jean cover up and my peach wedges. I ran into my bathroom and stopped breathing for a second when I saw myself. My hair looked like I got attacked by monkeys and the huge bags under my eyes didn't help the look at all, I curled the ends of light brown hair and put on some makeup, oh and I forgot to mention I am not a pretty sleeper.

I ran down stairs and found my mom baking pancakes my favorite thing for Breakfast. And found Joey sitting at the kitchen staring at me so I looked at him and raised my eyebrows once he noticed I was staring at him he focused his attention back at his phone. I walked up to my mom thanked her and ate the pancakes quickly.

"Ready" Joey smiled at me.

"I was born ready" I laughed and playfully punched him on shoulder.

He opened his car door for me and put my crutches on the back seat."soo... Phoebe if you get some stares from some girls just ignore them." he said with a concerned look in hazel eyes.

"Haha ok?" I said confused

We pulled up in the school parking lot and he got out and grabbed my crutches for me and opened my door and helped me onto them.

By the time we were ready to walk in there was a circle of girls around us giving me the death stare and staring googled eyed at Joey.

So this is why he said that... He's the popular boy. Wow Phoebe and you even thought for a moment that he liked you, he probably just wants to get in your pants.

We pushed through the star struck mob and made it to my first class, Math. I sat in the middle row towards the back. He sat down my stuff on my desk and then just left without even saying good bye... Brat.

After about 3 minutes a girl with light pink skinny jeans and a grey sweater with blonde hair and green eyes walked in and sat down next to me, out of all the seats in the class.

"Hi my name's Flora what's yours?" she said in a cherie voice.

"Hi my name's Phoebe" I said back.

" sooo... I saw you walk in with Joey this morning what's going on there" she said nudging me in shoulder.

"He's just my neighbor and offered my mom to drive me to school until my foot heals" I said honestly.

"Oh I see well you will definitely be confronted by Mrs.popularity then in other words, Victoria the wicked witch of green hill high school. So you'll need a friend in other words, me." Flora said flashing a million dollar smile at me.

"Thanks your pretty cool" I said grinning. Then the teacher walked in and started talking so I zoned out and started to draw.

Before I knew it the bell rang and Joey came in and him and Flora walked with me to lunch.

"Come sit with me" Flora said taking my books and lunch pale from Joey and then leading me over to a little table towards the door of the Cafeteria.

Once we were done eating the bell rang and Flora started to pack up our stuff "Hey Pheeb I'll get your stuff and throw away our trash so go on ahead to English and I'll meet you there" she said. I nodded and started walking to English when a small hand wrapped around my arm and shoved me into the girls bathroom. "So you little dweeb you think you can just barge into my school and steel my boyfriend huh."a Girl with curly bleach blonde hair and Crystal blue eyes snapped pushing me into a wall, honestly Flora was much prettier.

I knew I should just back off and not say anything back but I was having a really good day and she just pushed down a cripple person and dident care, oh I was sayin something weather she like it or not.

" oh I'm so sorry that someone peed in your cheerios this morning and I'm not an archeologist but last time I checked the world revolves around the sun and not you so sorry but I have to get to English class now." I snapped back.

"Fine your ugly anyway I don't want to talk to you." she growled back.

"Thank you I was trying to look like you today! Oh and honey that black heads not gonna pop itself, there's a mirror." I responded pointing to the mirrors and casually hopping out on my crutches mentally high-fiving myself and having a party in my head.

I hopped into English still managing to be early. Then after Flora left from giving me my stuff Joey walked in with two boys that looked like they just got back from working at a model agency on his right and left.

Then Joey SAT NEXT TO ME!!! And his models sat behind us... Oh great.

"Hey beautiful" the one across from me smiled he had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes but not as dark as mine. Joey's eyes darkened and had an emotion of anger and jealousy in them for some reason? I put my attention back on the brunet and offered a small smile and said "Hi but my name's Phoebe"

"Hi Phoebe my name's Jack and this is Evan." He said pointing to himself and then the other model beside him with the brown hair and blue eyes.

The rest of the bell was just Jack reading cheesy pickup lines to me off his phone to get me to laugh and Evan cracking jokes while Joey kept giving them his world famous death stare which didn't even faze them but would of sent any other person running in the other direction.

After Joey dropped me off at my house after an awkward car ride of silence I went up to my room and threw myself onto my bed.

Then I grabbed my computer to do the one thing I've been waiting to do all day...

I typed in my search key, Joey Sam Garcia, we both exchanged our full names in the waiting room,i took a deep breath and pressed the button SEARCH

I pressed on the first link and as soon as I read the first sentence I gasped and couldn't move...

Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter, sorry you had to wait s
o long but I hopefully get my boot off tomorrow YAY!! The next update might either be really quick or really long if it's really long sorry in advanced, thx you guys!!😀

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