Chapter 7- Cookie's and Cameron's

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I got home from a bland day at school to find my mom baking cookies. I yelped hopped over and tried to take one off the plate only to get a slap on the hand in return.

"Owchie!" I complained

"There not for you. Your going to a party tonight with Flora." she informed me. Of course I was sad about the cookies but, ITS PARTY TIME.

"Did she tell you if it was a casual or fun party?" I asked to try to come up with something to wear in my mind.

"I'm not sure but I think she said it's gonna be fun." she explained.

"Ok im'ma go get ready I should be back down in like an hour or so."

"Ok just try to hurry cause I don't want these cookies getting cold." my mom yelled behind me as I jogged up the stairs.

When I got into my room I realized I left my computer on the ground.

A random thought came to my mind, I haven't seen Joey in like 3 days? I walked over to the window and moved my curtains out of the way. His curtains were covering his window but it was left open a crack. I yelled his name... No answer, I yelled it a few more times but still no answer?

I decided to jump over to shut it because whenever Joey did it, it looked easy. I climbed out of my window cautiously and balanced myself. I almost fell due to a sudden gust of wind. I yelped do to a bigger blow of wind and jumped for it. I was about to fall and miss when suddenly two rough hands grabbed my sides.

I closed my eyes and held my breath anyway waiting for the impact. I waited... And waited, but nothing came. I slowly opened one eye and came face to face with hazel orbs staring right back at me.

"Umm..." I started

"h-hi" I studdered

"hi" he answered

"Sorry b-but, As much as I like hanging over a balcony can you put me down now?" I asked

"Oh yeah sure" he awkwardly laughed. He pulled me over and set me down, but his hands never left my waist?

"I- I was trying to shut your window" I explained. He laughed again but more this time.

"So.. Long time no see?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I-I've been kinda busy"

"Me to" that's when it hit me that I was supposed to be getting ready for the party.

"Crap, um I have to go get ready sorry, see you soon?" I asked.

"Oh yeah me to, um yeah see you soon." he answered.

"K well I'm gonna try to get back over now" I answered.

"No.. your gonna kill yourself just go through my house"

"Ummm... K?" I hesitantly answered.

"C-mon just be quiet and follow me." he whispered while going back into his room.

I went into his room and it wasn't what you'd expect. His walls were a dark blue with what looked like a king or queen size bed with a wine red and blue design in the middle of the back wall. Next to the back wall with his bed was a door that was slightly open to reveal a bathroom. The bathroom wall led to a small opening for the door. There was also a dark brown wood dresser next to his bed. His room smelled inviting and homie with a hint of vanilla, not like he sprayed axe everywhere. He led me over to his door and quietly opened it.

He turned slowly to face me and put his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. I nodded and he turned back around.

He tip-toed out of his room and led me to a stair case. He went down the first two steps and waited for me. I tried to follow his feet and stepped on the first step quietly. When I went to step on the second it squeaked and we froze and frantically looked around.

We heard nothing and kept going and as soon as he was about to open the front door...

"Well hello brother and the girl brothers trying to sneak out."

I whipped my head around so fast I thought I'd get whip lash.

Joey's eyes widened and he stood there dumbfounded.

"It can't be?!"

"I think it can?" The boy smirked.

"Cam?!" Joey whisper-yelled.

"The one and only."

Joey stepped forward and they did that weird man hug patted each others backs and started in on there own conversation.

I carefully examined this so called 'Cam', he looked around our age, and was a little taller than Joey and had almost the same eyes but 'Cam's' were more green than hazel. He had the same light brown hair but his had little hidden blonde highlights and swept up in the front and Joeys went to the side. They looked very similar altogether.

There conversation was cut short when the new boy looked over at me.

"So J, you gonna introduce me to your pretty little friend here?" He asked Joey,  It was then I realized he had a British accent. I would have melted into a puddle right then and there if it were possible.

"Oh yeah, Phoebe this is Cameron my brother, Cameron this is Phoebe...     our neighbor?" He explained.

When Joey said neighbor I'm not gonna lie it hurt, but I quickly brushed it off and went on with meeting Joeys brother.

"Hi Phoebe it's nice to meet you I'm J's obviously hotter brother Cameron." He smirked.

"Hi it's nice to meet you, I didn't know Joey had an older brother?"

"Oh he's not my older brother Cam and I are twins." Joey explained.

"Excuse me I am older!"

"Yeah by like 2 seconds."

"Actually 5 minutes thank you very much."

"Yeah yeah.. whatever" Joey rolled his eyes.

"Uhm, well..  I should get going." I pointed to the door behind me.

"Okay see you later Phoebe," Joey said.


"BYE PHEB!" Cameron yelled as I walked away.

Wow the boy already has a nickname for me.. but I'm not complaining..        he was kind of hot..      okay..     really hot..     and British.

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