Chapter 2

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James's POV

I woke up at seven o'clock and went to wake Sarah up. I was teaching physics and she was in my first period class. I got to her room and the bed was empty and I couldn't hear any noises in the bathroom. "Morning daddy", Diana said walking over.

"Hey pumpkin why are you awake already?" I asked picking her up.

"I woke up at six to say goodbye to Sarah", she explained, "she makes good corn flakes".

"I guess that means you're not going back to sleep", I said spinning her around.

"I like Sarah", she smiled.

"Jamie", Jasmine said running over, "I need you to take the kids to work with you I've got girl's day today".

"Alright", ­I said picking up Vicky as she ran over.

“I met Sarah”, she said proudly.

“Was she nice to you?” I asked seriously.

“She was super nice she gave me big kid food and she started a tickle war”, she said cheerily.

“Why was she so nice to them but she won’t even speak to me”, Jasmine said walking past me.

“She will I’ll talk to her at school”, I promised.

“Thank you”, she said kissing me on my cheek then headed outside and I saw her friends picked her up.

“Come on girls we’re going to the school”, I said picking Diana up and took them out to the car. We drove over to the school and I got out and took them straight to class and started setting up for class. When the bell rang, I sent the kids over to the corner with an apple each and a coloring book each and crayons.

“Sarah hurry up”, one of the guys called.

“Someone grab my poor shoe before it is trampled”, she said walking into the room.

“SARAH”, both my girls said running over and hugging her.

“Hey shorties”, she said hugging each of them.

“Miss. Giles please sit down”, I said smoothly.

“Yes sir”, she said putting on her shoe and went over to sit close to the window and if I knew Sarah she’d look out of it for most of the class.

“Alright class so today I’ll be studying Electrostatics”, I said writing it up on the board.

“Yippee”, Jake said with a laugh, “that’s a big change up from yesterday what was it electrostatic principles”.

“What are the principles again my memory is as bad as an old bat”, Sarah asked curiously.

“Well there was…” he started to say.

“Nice one Sarah”, one of the guys said high fiving her.

“I swear I knew it”, Jake said shaking his head, “blame her she distracted me”.

“Did not you ninny”, she laughed then turned to me, “Mr. Owens you be willing to review yesterday’s lesson quickly before today’s lesson”.

“Yes thank you Sarah”, I said appreciatively. I started the review first and by the end everyone knew it off by heart and I was starting the next lesson when I looked over to see Sarah sitting on the floor with the girls pointing out the window. I didn’t say anything because the girls didn’t have any play mates and she wasn’t causing trouble. Yet.

“So there’s a force of attraction and repulsion?” Kate asked twirling a strand of her hair, “What were classes like when you were our age Mr. Owens?”

“The same as they are now bubble brain”, Sarah replied earning a glare.

“You’re one to talk Sarah you used to have the biggest crush on Mr. Owens and he turned you down flat”, she said and everyone turned to look at Sarah including me.

“Wow I’m surprised you remember that far back”, she said then went back to work on the homework on the board no doubt.

“What is that supposed to mean?” she growled.

“You’re blonde you won’t understand”, Sarah shrugged.

“Hey”, she said standing up.

“Miss. Montez that’s enough”, I ordered.

“She started it”, she said standing up.

“Fine but it’s over now so let it pass”, I said seriously and then went back to teaching the entire class. I went over to their corner and both girls were laughing. “What is so funny?” I asked.

“I was just comparing the tree outside to a gnome I saw once”, she said pointing at it.

“Can we talk after class?” I asked quietly.

“Yeah”, she nodded then went back to work.

“Good”, I said then went around and helped the other students with their work.

“I’m sorry about that earlier but she really did start it”, Katie whispered.

“I know she causes trouble”, I said.

“She’s a brown noser”, she said anxiously, “your kids really like her”.

“Yeah I don’t get what they see that I don’t”, I said watching her play with them.

“See you later”, she said as the bell rang.

“Bye”, I said seriously.

“What do you want?” Sarah said as the girls went to the teacher’s lounge.

“I don’t like the way you treat Jasmine”, I said soberly.

“I didn’t say anything”, she said automatically.

“You may be ex mate but she’s my wife and the mother of my children, so treat her with respect”, I snapped.

“I don’t care either way if you want me out of your life then just let me live with my dad”, she argued.

“God this is exactly why I rejected you or one of many reasons you don’t understand anything and you never will”, I said loudly.

“I understand everything I understand that you don’t want me and you never have, I understand that my mother died to have me because she thought I was another boy and that no one here gives a rat’s ass about me so do yourself a favor and don’t act like I’m a total idiot”, she said then walked out.

“Shit”, I said once she was gone.






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