Chapter 4

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Sarah’s POV

I hid under my bed automatically and heard the door open. I heard footsteps and I kept calm I refused to get scared. Whoever it was ripped me out from under the bed and pulled me up to my feet. “Don’t tell a soul”, he whispered before sinking his teeth into my skin and I felt a pain in my back.

“Stop”, I said trying to push him away.

“He takes her I take you sounds like a good deal to me”, he whispered then I heard things touching back on and when I turned around there was no one there.

“See you soon sweetheart”, a voice in my head said. I saw the lights turn on and I ran into the closet and put on a turtleneck.

“Sarah”, James said running in, “are you okay?”

“Yeah I bumped my head trying to hide under the bed”, I said massaging my head.

“So you’re safe”, he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine go check on the girls I think they’re afraid of the dark”, I said and he nodded then left. I went into my bathroom and took off the turtleneck. I saw it placed right below my shoulder blade, an alpha’s mark.

“Hey Sarah do you want some actual supper?” he asked knocking on the door.

“Sure”, I said putting my turtleneck back on. I went downstairs and he’d made some spaghetti and sausages and I ate trying to ignore the knot in my stomach.

“So how was school?” Ian asked.

“School was okay I managed a detention free day”, I said shrugging.

“You look pale maybe you should go to bed early”, he said concerned.

“I’ll be fine after a night’s rest”, I assured him, “I’ll finish my meal then take a twelve hour long nap”.

“Can we help you pick out your outfit again?” Diana asked hopefully.

“You helped her pick that out”, Jasmine said and I wanted to glare at her but I resisted.

“Diana is a good judge”, I said heading upstairs.

“Indeed”, James said and I heard the girls follow me.

“Do you want a dress or an outfit?” Vicky asked opening my suitcase.

“I think I have an idea”, I said grabbing my purple cotton halter dress and my jean jacket. I showed it off and they clapped and we all jumped around. They went to go watch the movie and I changed into a nightie and climbed into the bed and put my headphones and listened to Calling All Angels until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and looked over to see something on the other pillow. I sat up and saw that it was a rose with a note. I opened it and read it.

Morning angel,

I’ll be seeing you again soon and I promise you’ll enjoy the visit. The rose is cliché but so is listening to Calling All Angels until you fall asleep. You’re mine now see you very soon.


I read it about a hundred times before I hid everything in my top dresser drawer and changed into my chosen outfit. I looked at my new mark before I put my jacket and headed downstairs. I made myself some pancakes and then saw James walk in. “Morning”, he said politely.

“Morning”, I said flipping another pancake.

“How are you so good at it?” he said walking over.

“It’s easy come here”, I said passing him the pan.

“Alright you’re the master show me”, he suggested. I took the flipper and checked underneath and it was golden brown.

“Alright step one”, I said taking his hand and I still felt sparks which relieved me, “check the underneath”.

“Okay”, he nodded.

“Next gently flip the pancake forward a little bit”, I said smoothly. He did exactly what I told him to and then I spoke again. “Now for step three flip it up and push the pan forward”, I commanded.

“Like this”, he said flipping it and just barely caught it in the pan, “shit”.

“Not bad for a first timer”, I smiled.

“Show me again”, he suggested passing me the pan. I poured more mix into the pan and put some chocolate chips to increase the pressure. I waited then checked it and it was golden brown with melting chocolate chips. I flipped it forward and then flipped it completely and caught it perfectly in the middle of the pan. “You’re amazing”, he said putting his head on my shoulder as I flipped the next one, “at flipping pancakes”.

“Thanks for the compliment”, I said passing him the pan, “now try again”. He tried again and caught it almost exactly in the middle.

“I did it”, he said victoriously.

“Good job now do it again”, I said pouring more batter in, “with blueberries”.

“I don’t know if I have that much strength”, he said unsure.

“What are those big muscles for?” I teased.

“Shut up”, he said slapping my arm and got to work.

“Alright flip it”, I said cheerfully.

“Here goes nothing”, he said and then flipped it forward then flipped it harder and it landed on the pan.

“Yes high five”, I said raising my hand. He high fived me then kept flipping pancakes then I started to cut the strawberries and cleaning them.

“Now see this is a man’s job”, he said taking a strawberry and eating it.

“What cutting strawberries oh yes very manly”, I said rolling my eyes.

“Eating strawberries”, he said taking another one.

“Pancakes”, Vicky said sitting up on a stool.

“We had those at a restaurant once”, Diana said.

“Well this recipe has been passed down the…” I said checking the box, “Great Value family for generations”. They all laughed and I made my plate and Jasmine and Ian joined us soon and we ate. After that James drove me to school.

“Thanks the lesson”, he said touching my hand.

“Thanks for the ride”, I said getting out with my bag and headed inside.

“Is it true?” a girl said running over, “are you really Mr. Owens’s mate did he really reject you?”

“What”, I said shocked.

“There’s a rumor going around saying he rejected you because he was in love with someone else”, she said, “is it true?” I walked past her and ignoring the comments people called out and went to my locker and found a piece of paper the grate. I pulled it out and opened it.

Payback for the love scene in the kitchen. You’re mine now not his see you later. In the meantime I’m watching you. Have a nice day.

Who was this guy?






Can you guys give me some suggestions for names that start with H.

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