Chapter 3

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Sarah’s POV

I managed to avoid James the rest of the day and I tried not to think about my mother. I walked into town after school with a couple of girls and went to the music store. “Do you play?” Anne asked looking at the guitars.

“No I’ve never touched a guitar in my life”, I said going over to the grand piano.

“You’re a piano player”, Liz said as I pulled out a music book.

“I only ever play the one song”, I said starting to play and soon Liz had grabbed a violin and Anne sang the song, A Thousand Miles. I closed my eyes and played until the end of the song when I opened them again. I looked down to see a hat with money in it sitting beside us and people were tossing money in. We gave the store five dollars for the microphone Anne used and seven each for our instruments.

“Who taught you to play like that?” Anne asked after we bought a celebratory ice cream.

“My mom left me the lyrics and I just kind of taught myself”, I said playing with my locket.

“I heard about that she died right after you were born and it broke your dad’s heart”, Liz said apologetically.

“He probably thought it was a waste”, I said licking my triple chocolate ice cream cone.

“What do you mean by that?” Anne asked confused.

“She could have done amazing things in her life and here I am wasting mine trying to be something I’ll never be”, I said stepping off the curb.

“You could be a good piano player we should start a band of sorts”, she suggested, “make up our own songs”.

“Sounds like fun”, I smiled.

“So where are you staying?” Liz asked.

“My brother’s place”, I said offhand.

“Cool we don’t really want to see Mr. Owens right now so bye”, they both said waving then I went over their apartment and found Jasmine on the phone.

“Hi”, I said politely.

“Where have you been you almost gave James and Ian a heart attack they thought something bad happened to you”, she said hanging up with whoever she was talking to, “look I know you’re a teenager and you feel a need to rebel but not on James I need him sane”.

“I wasn’t rebelling I went out to town with two of my friends I didn’t know I had a curfew”, I said then went up to my room and flopped onto the bed.

“Hey Sarah”, Vicky said hopping onto the bed along with Diana, “are you okay?”

“I’ve been better kids but thanks for asking”, I said laying my head back against the pillows.

“You look sad do you want to play a game it always cheers me up”, Diana suggested.

“How about hide under the bed and make faces with a flashlight?” I said grabbing my flashlight out of my bag.

“Fun”, they both nodded then we all hid together and I started making faces and they joined in and soon we were laughing and I actually had fun.

“SARAH”, Ian yelled.

“What?” I called back. I heard footsteps then looking around the room and I hushed the girls.

“Sarah get out here right now”, James ordered.

“Fine”, I said climbing out from underneath the bed.

“What the-”, he said but I covered his mouth as the girls got out and headed out the door.

“I went out to town”, I said uncovering his mouth.

“Probably with whatever new boyfriend you have to some cheap hotel room”, he snapped.

“Actually with two of my friends that are girls we went the music room and performed, oh my god you should have called the police and better yet we bought ice cream everyone knows sugar is illegal”, I said then slammed the door in his face.

“You never told anyone where you were going”, he said following me up to the roof, “what was I supposed to?”

“What I do is none of your damn business got it you rejected me and you’ve made it quite clear that you think the worst of me so go ahead and think what you want the only reason I didn’t pack my bags the first night is because of the plan”, I said seriously.

“What plan?” he asked, “I don’t want you and that’s final”.

“The plan to get over you all together”, I said crossing my arms.

“Okay good plan”, he agreed, “is there anything I can help with?”

“No I don’t want you around me anymore no more private chats or worrying about me I’m fine”, I said sternly.

“Fine that’s easy”, he nodded.

“Good that makes everything work out I find a good boyfriend, graduate and stay with my dad after that, maybe go traveling and then go to college and you continue your life here”, I said casually.

“Sounds like a good plan”, he agreed.

“It took the ice queen and me to figure it out and that took the full four years”, I said with a laugh.

“What are you wearing?” he asked eyeing my outfit.

“No, no, no you don’t care remember”, I said going downstairs and back to my room and wrote my letter to the ice queen. 

Hey ice queen,

High school is hell, I hate the soap opera I’m in and I’ve made new friends. I played the piano again and we’re starting a band I miss you like crazy but you’re probably having fun. I wish things were simple but I’m sticking to the plan. I even explained the plan to him and he’s not as dumb as I thought. He’s not what I imagined him to be in fact he’s the opposite of prince charming. I am happy though his little girls are adorable and everything here is bearable but Atlanta has better ice cream. The stuff here melts way faster and it was running down my arm. Don’t have too much fun without me girly and write back immediately any news of Atlanta is good news other than of course death, dismemberment and disease, the three D’s. See you sooner rather than later.

                                                                                                                                                Sailor Girl

I was just finished when my phone rang. “Hello”, I said going into the bathroom to check my teeth for stains.

“You know why he can’t have male children right”, the voice said.

“What?” I said confused.

“Your mate can’t have male children with her because she’ll never be his mate”, he explained.

“What are you my shrink?” I snapped even though I was a little freaked.

“You look scared that’s good”, he said and I looked out the window and saw a shadow before it disappeared, “tell my girl I’ll be there for her soon”. The line went dead and so did the lights.






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