Delete Delete Delete

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"Delete that. Now." Hercules looked up from his phone, staring as Lafayette. "Why? We look cute in this one, and it's the only non blurry picture we took," he argued. "I don't care," he retorted, "I look terrible in that picture. I don't know why I let you guys put my hair in pig tails."

"Because you look cute in them," Mulligan said easily. "First of all, I am never cute. I am only sexy. People like you, or John, or Alex are cute. I am not," he insisted. Herc smiled, "You sure about that?" He brushed his fingers over his neck, making him smile and let out a short laugh. This prompted him to go further, scribbling at the nape of his neck and digging into his stomach, causing loud, joyful laughter to erupt in the room.

Hercules stopped and booped him on the nose. "Cute."

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