Headless Mess

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Hamilton and Laurens enjoyed doing cliché couple things, especially during the holidays. That's why they had bought matching costumes and were now carving pumpkins.

Hamilton thought it might be funny to put his pumpkin on his head. "John, watch this! I'm gonna be the headless horseman!" Laurens gave him a sideways glance, leaning away, "I wouldn't do that, it doesn't sound like a good idea." Hamilton rolled his eyes, "Oh please, I'll be fine." John had just shook his head at his boyfriend's antics.

Hamilton shoved his head through the hole in the bottom of the pumpkin, balancing the new weight on his shoulders. "It smells weird in here," he said, turning to face John. He chuckled upon seeing him, "How do you plan on getting out?"

Hamilton brought his hands up to the pumpkin, trying to yank it off. "John."

"No. Oh no, don't you dare say i-"

"I'm stuck."


"WAIT I CAN DO THIS!" Alex exclaimed, before running at the wall, trying to crack the gord covering his head. It only resulted in him bouncing off the wall, his head spinning. Thankfully, Laurens was there to steady him before he fell.

"You idiot," HE chastised lovingly, fluttering a few fingers over his neck, causing him to giggle. "Now don't panic, I'm just gonna have to cut out a bigger hole."



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