Part1: Ghost World

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I left the S.H.I.L.E.D hellicarrier and went back to my house and went to my ghost portal and I decided that I needed to find out what Doc Ock meant that,"I shouldn't trust my parents and that I never know what they were up too." Whatever that's supposed to mean. So I decided to take upon myself that I would go in the Ghost World to find out more about me and figure out who is all behind this and how to get myself somewhat back to normal. So I went to the Ghost World and I met this lady who I thought could help me she told me this,"Don't trust anyone and come back at a better time it's not safe out here come back in 5 mins it's not safe to be out and lurking like this you could get caught and sold as a trading item go and come back later and stay hidden." So I did what she told me to do, I went to the library and found some books that I wanted to try out because I figured if I did some research it might help. After 2 hours of reading and finding absolutely nothing, that lady finally called me back. I then went to her house and she snuck me in fast and we both went back and forth about ghost stuff and then I decided to ask her about my parents, since she was an old friend of my parents I figured she would know somewhat about them, at least more than I did.
Gertrude said," oh...your parents... I would hope that you wouldn't have asked that question. Well all I can say is that they aren't who you seem they might be..."

I said," what do you mean by that?"

"I mean that they were behind a lot more than you think and that they aren't very good people... Dilyan they wanted you to be killed when they asked Doc Ock to kidnap you and change you into a ghost they asked for him to kill you... But I guess he didn't want to... I guess he wanted more from you than your parents did..."

I sat there absolutely shocked I didn't know what to say. My parents wanted me killed, but Doc Ock actually saved me and just made me this creature that I didn't even want to be. I didn't want to believe that my parents wanted to kill me, but it did make sense they were hardly ever in my life ever so I guess if they just killed me off they didn't have to deal with me anymore.

"I'm sorry Dilyan I didn't want to tell you this I hoped you would never have to find out this way..."

"'s okay at least I know now that my parents never loved me and wanted me dead this whole time."

"I'm sorry...they were going to get paid if they killed you off they were working for the bad guys that just take innocent people and make them these creatures so the head guy said for your parents to join their group they would have to kill you and they would get money if they did also. I would have never thought they would ever do that to their own kid just for money...but I guess I was wrong. If you look at it this way you are still alive and have great friends and you are a hero so you should be proud of yourself and of all of your accomplishments."

But in reality I was thinking why would my parents do this to me just for money.... I felt like I wasn't good enough and I never asked to be this creature. And I'm not proud of myself and my accomplishments, shoot I don't even have any accomplishments to be proud of because I almost took out Spiderman and his team and almost have of New York City, so why should I be proud of myself when all I have brought is mayhem to this city...maybe I should just give up  and live in the Ghost World the rest of my life it  would be a lot easier on me then I wouldn't have to worry about all of this drama with my life, my family, and this ghost drama...

"why should I be proud I haven't brought any good to either worlds."

"yes you have you have brought so much good you just don't realize it. Please, stay a superhero you could help so many people."

I thought about it for a minute and I did help people but it sure didn't feel like it, so I just lie to her and say," yeah I think it's best if I go home now, thank you so much for the information and I hope to see you soon."

"Okay bye and it was no problem come to me anytime you need help and I'll be there for you if you need me. And please be careful there are people out in the ghost world that's you don't ever want to come across ever."

With that I left her house and went to the nearest hotel out in the ghost world I stayed there for the night for only me to wake up the next morning in a warehouse with handcuffs on.

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