Part8: Walking with a Ghost

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I woke up to Nick Fury standing in from of me.
He said," Get up soldier you have training to get to, and we are letting you out today."
I jumped out of my bed and packed my things and walked out the room I was in, into a different I then didn't see Fury anymore, but I did see a figure moving towards me. It was Doc Ock...

"Doc! I thought I put you in prison!"

He didn't respond, that was when it want the real one but it could definitely still love like the real one I then began to fight him. He was pretty okay to take down. Then I turned around to another figure coming towards me. Thai time it was the Goblin. It wasn't the real one but pretty darn close to it. I defeated him pretty fast. Then I turned around again, the last figure I saw looked different than the others and this one actually talked. I eventually got a closer look and I saw who it was...I didn't believe it at first, but it had to be the real him because he talked and moved like him... I then said to him,

" William, what an unpleasant pleasure to see you."

" same to you my sweet."

"What are you doing here I thought the other ghosts got rid of you?"

" oh silly of you to even think of that. My facility is still running and we still have room for one more," as he took out a whip and a syringe.

I was terrified, I began to question if this was even real. It didn't seem real, but I sure as hell knew I wasn't about to go back there. Never no way not in a million years.

" I'm am never going with you!"

"Will see about that."

We began to fight I was winning for a little while, but we were going back and forth for awhile also too. He whipped me a few times but I never let him get close enough for him to put the syringe in me.

" alright I'm done messing around its time for this to be over with."

"Oh really I thought we were just getting started." He said laughing.

I then stood there and got angry enough I ran towards him I did my nightmare thing on him and then I stood back and got into a stance to take him down once and for all. I let out my ghost scream, and it took him down. I then was exhausted I fell to my knees and looked up at the metal interior of the used to be William. It wasn't the real one but it sure did seem and act a lot like the real one. I looked up and just kind of laughed, but I did get a huge confidence booster that I could save people and take down villains. I wasn't weak I was a strong and independent girl with ghost powers that could do anything that she wanted to. I turned around and got up and found Fury and Spiderman standing there, they then began to both say at the same time,

"Good job! You conquered your fear I am very- we are very proud of you."

"Well thank you guys for giving me a second chance and saving my life more than once and just helping me out in general. You have been a family to me more than my family has been to me, so thank you so so much for that. I can't thank you guys enough for all you have done for me."

Fury said," it is no problem Nightmare it is our job to save and help people. So just call when you need us. And you did past the text so it looks like you can go back to saving people and go back to a somewhat normal life."

I was so happy I couldn't even speak i gave Fury a hug telling him thank you! I then stood there with the biggest smile on my face I didn't even know what to do with myself I was just so elated I couldn't even handle it.

Spiderman said," well you can join our team again if you would like, only if you want to, is up to you?"

I said," of course I would love to join the team again!"

He smiled and I smiled back. I just looked at Spiderman and he took off his mask and he asked me.

" change back to human for me please?"

So I did without even thinking twice about it at all.

" why did you want me to change to human?"

"So I could do this while you were you. The girl who I fell in love with over this short amount of time we have known each other."

He then leaned in to me and kissed me I found myself kissing back and being pulled closer into him. I realized at that moment that I loved him and that I have and will always love him...

" I love you Peter Parker and I will always love you..."

"I love you too Dilyan..."

We then kissed passionately it was amazing it was like everything had clicked and everything seemed to be right in the world at that moment. That was the best day of my life, and after that moment I couldn't wait for the rest of my life ahead of me... And couldn't wait to spend my future with him...

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