Part5: I'm A Goner

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Spiderman's POV:

Nick finally came back from the ghost world I hope he would have brought back Dilyan, but he didn't he said that this guy William said he couldn't take her back to earth that she wasn't "well" enough to go back home. I had a funny feeling about this guy he seemed very strange, I didn't trust him. Dilyan never seemed insane before she seemed pretty normal, but I guess people change, but I still think something is up. So my plan is to get my team to go and get her out of there and find out what really is up. I talk to Iron Fist, Nova, White Tiger, and Powerman and they all seemed to be on board. SO the next day we went to her house and took the portal to the ghost world. We then found the institution that Dilyan was held at. We told the front guards that we were here  to visit Dilyan and he took us back to were she was at. She was hung against a wall by her arms, she looked very weak I just wanted to jump through her cell and rip those restraints off her and take her with me back to where she belongs on earth not trapped in this cell. I then here a voice in my head, it was her she was  telling me that I could go through the cell that human can go through the ghost things like ghosts can go through human things. I then walked through the bars and begin punch the restraints of her hands, but I couldn't do it alone.

"Iron Fist can you punch the restraints off her hands and Whit Tiger could you cut the chain that's  holding her to the ground."

They both do what I ask them to do, I then begin to feel Dilyan wake  up and we had gotten her out  of the cell and we were headed to the door that's when a tall man in a white suit came up blocking our path.

" Well were might you kids be going didn't your parents ever tell you that its wrong to steal from people."

Spiderman says," Didn't your mom ever tell you that its wrong to kidnap people and torture them."

William then lunges at  us I move out of the way and he falls. I put Dilyan somewhere safe so  she doesn't get  hurt and my team and I fight this guy. we end up winning the fight and I let all of the ghosts go and they get there share of giving him a piece of their minds. I then take Dilyan out of there and we go back to the real world and I take her to hellicarrier. I saw Fury he didn't say anything to me he just looked at me like I did the right thing. She ended up being just fine physically, but her scans show that she had been tortured and they were going to do mental tests to see if  she was mentally stable. I just hoped that she was going to be okay. I wanted her to be  okay just because she has been through so much this past year...        

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