Operation Tamaki Sucks! {edited}

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The next morning I just couldn't shake off, of what Ryo said yesterday.

'All woman are a disgrace'

I sighed, as I stared out the window hoping that he wouldn't show up today at the host club.

Its just not that I don't trust Kyoya of what he said yesterday, that I shouldn't worry, but afterall the Ryo Kyoya knew might of been the Ryo from elementary school, I mean people change right?

Lunch soon came, and I realised that the twins . that I wasn't acting normal, which made them give me a half pitied and confusion look. I noticed that they were trying so hard to cheer me up, but I just couldn't shake off those words, usually I didn't care about what people say about me so why do I care now.

" all woman is a disgrace"

We decided to close early at the Host club so we could discuss of what happened yesterday.

" Arggggg! This is so frustrating!"

Hikaru said scratching his head madly.

" yeah"

Kaoru added.

I looked at the board to see only Tamaki's idea written on it, which was to lock him up, even though most of us voted out on it.

" huh? Wheres Kyoya-Senpai?"

I asked, just realizing he was no where to be found.

" Huh? You didnt know? Kyo-chan said hes going to talk to the principle about it, he said he'll be back soon."

Honey told me, hugging Usa-chan.

" Oh"

The door creaked open and behind the door was Kyoya himself, sighing in frustration.

" Any luck, Kyoya?"

Tamaki asked him.

" Not a thing, I guess we would have to persuade him somehow"

We sat there in silence, and the only noise you could hear except for breathing, was the spoon that Honey was using to eat his cake.

" Wait if Ryo-chan doesn't like girls then-"


We all screamed at him, even Mori.

" ...okay..."

" Honey-Senpai,you just gave me an excellent idea!"

Tamaki said clapping his hands together.

" I did?"

Honey said confused as he dropped his spoon on his empty plate.

Tamaki gave a thumbs up at Honey, as his eyes sparkled in approval.

We all turned around to face him.

Tamaki gave everyone the stare and before I knew it all the boys when into a corner and started whispering, well I wouldn't call it whispering since I could hear them from where I was standing, which was only a few metres away.

I sighed, thinking ' what have I got myself into this time'

" Why dont we make Ryo fall in love with Haruhi, and let Haruhi persuade him!" Tamaki said, trying to whisper.

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