Research {edited}

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I sat on my desk, in my room calculating the bills and the expenses for my business in the U.S.

But I just couldnt get any of the calculations right. Ruffling my hair in annoyance I crunched up of what seemed the fiftieth piece of paper in the trash can and decided to leave this for tomorrow.

'That girl certainly did a toll on me alright'

I thought as I remembered what happened yesterday and to be honest it had seemed like it was the only thing on my mind, which drove me insane. Just remembering it nearly made me convince myself that I should give woman another shot.

'Yeah right' I thought.

I lied on my bed for a few minutes resisting the urge to research the crossdresser, but in the end I couldn't.

'Haruhi wasn't it? Yeah something like that'

I told myself, as I began to hack into the school database.



I walked down the hallway in my pyjamas, yawning when I saw the light on in my brothers room.

As curious as I was I peeped my head through the door to see him on his computer, researching something. I shrugged, 'it's probably just for a project or something.'

I thought, and just ast I was about to close the door, I vividly saw picture, a picture of Haruhi!

I stood there speechless, 'could it be..that he has taken interest on my beloved Haruhi!?' I thought, and without thinking I went to my room and decided to text the others about it.


" So what your saying is that he likes Haruhi now!?" The twins scoffed.

I nodded in agreement while Kyoya shrugged his shoulders saying that he might.

"He has to! I mean who doesn't love Haruhi!" I exclaimed clearly not seeing her walk through the door to the host club.

" Who loves ,who now?" Haruhi asked.

I turned around to see her looking at me confused.

"Nothing! Don't worry no body loves anyone" I stammered, blushing, while the two idiotic twins laughed at me.

" R-right...." Haruhi replied.

We entertained our guests before it was just me and Kyoya, left in the room.

" Did you find anything?" I asked Kyoya.

" A little bit, but it's not alot" Kyoya replied, as he flipped through his book.

It was just last night that I asked Kyoya to look further into Ryo's family.

" I found that he lived with another woman before moving into your family" he said at last.

" Another family eh?" I said.

" And do you know if that woman is still alive or if it was his mother?"

" Not yet, but I assume it's his mother"

Kyoya answered. " I'll look into it, and it's getting late, so let's go"

" Alright, thanks anyway Kyoya" I say as I got into my limo.

All the way home I just couldn't stop thinking about his family. ' Just how did he end up living with us?'

' Was he an orphan, Did he get abandoned, did we steal him from his family?'

' Does he have any brothers or sisters apart from me or was he a single child, and just what type of person is his mother?'

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that we had reached the mansion.

After complementating I decided to ask grandmother about it.

" TAMAKI, WHAT DO YOU WANT, DONT YOU KNOW I'M QUITE BUSY" She screamed right in my ear.

" Ah, sorry-"

" Just get to the point already. Tamaki!"

" Ah yes grandmother, I was wondering if you know anything about Ryo's family"

" What are you taking about, what family? he belongs and is one of us now"

I sighed as she had hanged up on me.

' I guess I should leave the rest to Kyoya then ' I thought as I made my way up to my room.

Two days had past since then, and I had barely seen Ryo around at school or even at home as he was always locked up in his room. The next morning I was making my way to my fathers office when I saw Ryo emerging out of his office.

He looked at me with those pale cold eyes before disappearing behind me.

" Ah, Tamaki" My father said as I entered his office.

" Yes father you requested to see me, is something wrong?" I asked.

" Not exactly, I was wondering about how things are with the host club?"

" Things are going good father"

" Have you managed to persuade Ryo yet?" He asked as he stopped writing on the papers infront of him.

" Not yet, father" I told him.

" I see, I'll give you up to the end of next week to persuade him"

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