Letter {edited}

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The rest of the day I was bombarded with the twins and Tamaki.
I sighed. The only place I could get away from them was in my room or was in the bathroom.

Just what is up with them?

I sighed once again. I remember back to earlier when Ryo left me to chase Tamaki. He looked so kiddish and more relaxed. Just as he left I had remembered that I had wanted to know if he was visiting his mothers funeral. A bit of me hoped he would but who could tell whats on his mind when he acts so perfectly everytime.

After taking a breather from them in the bathroom I finally decided to go back before I made them worried.

" Finally" I whipped around to find Ryo wearing full black who was waiting for me outside the bathroom stall.

" R-Ryo!?"

" Lets go" He took my hand and dragged me away.

' What is up with him?'

He soon let me go. Thats when I realised that we were in a different part of the building than the area Kyoya showed us.

" Where exactly are we?" I asked him.

" If we go right and then turn left of the hallway we'll reach the lounge" He told me.

I nodded.

" Is there something you wanted?" I questioned him, only to get no response.

We sat there in silence as we looked up at the stars above.

" Thought you might want a quiet atomsphere from the rest of the noisy bunch" He finally said.

" Hey...." I mumbled. " Are you going to your mothers funeral?"

He looked taken back a little, I looked at him seeing his expressions all over the place for a dew seconds before he went back to his usual poker-face.

"No, I'm not"

And with that he walked away fading away into the night.


I met up with the others for dinner, well mostly since Ryo was no where to be seen. I had spent my dinner thinking about if it was too soon to ask him while eating crabs in sadness.

I soon regretted it since I ended up using Kyoyas bathroom spewing.

After all the drama I was in my room when a paper aeroplane flew into the window I was about to close. I heard a rustle in the bushes for a second before the person or whatever was out there had disappeared.

I pulled across the curtain and sat on my bed and read the letter using the bedside lamp beside me.


Dear Haruhi,
A special day awaits you
On the day you would least expect
You will see the world with new eyes
A place where you never you guess
The one thats mysterious are left unsolved
That will fill your heart with a bittersweet taste
Of the bare fruit called


I read it in astonishment at the intials. Hikaru.....
My heart raced. I would have mever thought Hikaru especially was quite a poet.

I spent the rest of the night decoding the poem.

Yet to realise that poem wasnt his.

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