A boy with an high expectation { edited}

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We were packing up after hosting, until someone bursted into the club, exclaiming

" This host club of yours is such a disgrace to the Suoh's names, and the rest of yours as well, do you guys really have no shame!"

" nonetheless I'm shutting this down!"
The boy added.

I whipped my head around to see what the commotion was about. By the door stood a boy who looked identically like Tamaki, who had a rather subtle expression on his face.

" Whats going on?"

I muttered to Kyoya who was standing next to me.

" What, you cant do that!"

Tamaki frowned.

" I told you once and I'm telling you again Tamaki, this club is not going on for any longer!"

The boy stated.

" Hey, whats your problem! You cant just come in here-"

Hikaru started.

" - and declare to shut the host club down like that!"

Kaoru finished, angrily.

" Well-" 

He said turning around to face the twins.

" -I have the same rights as Tamaki, so why dont you sit back and stop ruining your  family name"

He sneered at them, before turning his attention back to Tamaki.

'He has the same rights as Tamaki'

I thought, placing my hand on my chin. ' Just who is this guy'

" W-Why you!"

Hikaru began as he charged at blondie, while Kaoru just managed to hold him back just in time.

" Hey,"

I spoke up, until Kyoya interrupted me.

" Why do you want to shut the host club down, Ryo?"

Kyoya spoke calmly as  he pushed me behind him, indicating that  I shouldn't get involved, in it any further.

The boy named Ryo looked over at Kyoya, saying

" Its wrong to treat woman like this and you all know that,

and plus all woman are a disgrace"

I quietly scoffed, taken back at what he just said, well about the last bit at least.

" Plus you never know when one day when your older, you will be downsized just because you were a host when you were younger, though you might not think of it as a problem now,
but it you never know it might affect your status in some ways. "

"Plus womanising is just no,so unless you give me one good reason of why the host club should remain open, I'll shut this down myself"

and with that the boy named Ryo walked out of the room leaving us all speechless, and unable to stop him from leaving, well everyone except Tamaki of course, who chased after him, yelling

" Hey, wait!"

" Well, I never thought of it that way, he sure is smart"

Honey nodded, after Tamaki was no longer in sight.

" Damn it"

Hikaru cursed, as Kaoru let his brother go.

" Well now what are we supposed to do?"

Kaoru asked, frowning.

" And just whats his problem anyway"

Hikaru scoffed.

" ur, can someone please explain to me just what is going on?"

I added.

Kyoya sighed, as he told us to gather around, and just as I was just about to ask about Tamaki, Honey tugged my sleeve saying,

" Dont worry about Tama-chan!"

" He's probably up to no good"

Kaoru added, sitting next to me.

" As you already know, that boys name is Ryo Suoh"

Kyoya began, as he fixed his glasses.

" Does that mean, he's related to Tamaki-Sempai?"

I asked, dumbly.

"Not only is he related to Tamaki but he is Tamaki's brother"

Hikaru grumbled.

" Brother?"

"Yes, thats right Hikaru, from what I know he wants to shut down the host club, because he doesn't like woman"

Kyoya added.

" But why?"

I asked.

" I dont know, but as far as I know, Ryo should be in America"

" America?"

The twins said in sync.

" Yes, apparently he was sent aboard about when we were in elementary school"


I mumbled.

" Since then this is probably the first time hes came back to Japan"

" But then, isnt their relationship kinda bad, I mean they haven't seen each other in so long"

Honey added.

" But that means-" I started.

" its going to be harder to bring Ryo to our side"

Kyoya finished.

" Well why dont we let him be a host, then?"

Kaoru asked.

" It wont work because he doesnt like woman"

Hikaru replied.

" But what I dont get is why Ryo-chan hates woman?"

Honey pouted.

" Wish we all knew"

Hikaru sighed.

" Well we'll think about it tomorrow then"

Kyoya said closing his book.

"But what if he comes tomorrow?"

I asked.

" I wouldn't be so worried if I was you"

and with that Kyoya walked out of the room.

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