Giving up isnt an option! {edited}

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I opened the door to the host club, and I must admit I hated what I saw, the gloomy faces of the host club, again.

Ever since we got the deadline to persuade Ryo, the host club well, wasnt the same. Everyone seemed to lost their motivation to keep the club going.
I hated it, how they could just give up when we only have a few days left, shouldnt we try our very hardest to the end? I remember Tamaki telling me that once.


I looked at him, he looked down on the ground looking even more depressed than when he was shooting for Renge.

I opened my mouth to say something only to be interupted by Kaoru.

" Hey Haruhi, you dont need to come here anymore-"

" - theres no point, we are over anyway" Hikaru finished. I was about to protest when,

" Yeah Haruhi, sorry we got you caught in this mess, you dont owe us anything anymore" Tamaki added.

" Everyone just stop, are you really the guys from the host club I hang out with! Are you really going to give up, after all the memories we had together, the guys I knew would never give up so easily!" I shouted, as tears welled up in my eyes.

The hosts looked at me suprised before looking away from me.

" Where was the club that I'd owed money to, where was the club that made everyone have a good time and laugh-"

I watched as they slowly lifted their heads to face me.

" -You guys were my first friends that I made in Ouran, did you really think I would just walk away if you told me so? So what just because the club might be disbanded shouldnt we put our very best efforts to the very end! Even if the club disbands it doesnt mean we cant be friends to the very end either!"

" I-I love you guys" I mumbled as I wiped away my tears that had fell on my cheeks.

" Oh Haruhi..." Hikaru began.

"-we love you too" Everyone shouted, as they came up to me and pulled me into a hug.


" You talked to him yesterday!?" Everone but Mori and Kyoya shouted.

" Yeah, sorry I forgot to mention it, didnt I?" I laughed.

" Well that means we still have a chance!" Tamaki exclaimed.

" YEAH!" Everyone went.

" I think I have the perfect plan.." Kyoya smiled, as he pushed up his glasses.


" Are you sure its okay?" I asked for the millionth time.

We were heading to the Suoh mansion to talk to someone who apparently seemed to know Ryo since he was little.

" Yes, after all if he isnt giving us answers then we have to find out ourselves" Tamaki sighed.

It was a quiet ride, no one uttered a word. The twins stared out the window. Honey was sliently humming, Mori was just sitting there stoned face, Kyoya was busy typing on his computer while Tamaki sat next to playing with his fingers.

" What if he overhears us, what if she tells Ryo, what-"

" Jeez you sure worry alot" Hikaru mumbled turning away from the window to look at me.

" We will worry about it if it happens" Kyoya added.


We currently sat in one of the living rooms drinking tea, in the Suoh mansion with Ryo's personal maid Rizelda.

" Is it alright if we ask you a few questions about Ryo?" Kyoya asked her.

" Of course, Mr. Ootri" she answered.

" How long have you been serving Ryo?" Tamaki began.

" Ever since he was 8"

We all looked at each other.

" Why does he hate girls?" I asked.

" It's quite complicated really, I assume he hasnt told you anything about his past has he?"

" Thats why we came to ask you-" Tamaki explained.

" Since he is all closed up" I began

" and arrogant" Hikaru scowled.

I elbowed Hikaru, only to get a muttered response.

" He's always been like that, ever since he was abandoned at a young age, I dont know much about his actual birth mother apart from him being abandoned by her."

" Is that why he hates woman?" Hikaru asked.

" Not exactly, you see after being abandoned once he ws abandoned once again"

" Again?" Honey mumbled.

" Yes he was taken in by the Suohs before being abandoned and been forced to go to America, which is where I met him"

" Wow..." I muttered.

" In America he also had a crush on a girl who used him, and then he got used and betrayed"
Rizelda told us.

" Sorry I cannot say anymore" she added.

" Thats alright, thank you for your cooperation especially telling us this out of the blue" Kyoya said as he got up from his chair.

We all thanked her and about to leave when she said

" Ryo didnt mean what he said about club, he was just looking out for you guys, though he wont just come out and say it, but he really is a kind hearted boy, so please take care of him. I know its hard to get him to open his heart to all of you, but I believe out of everyone its you guys who can "

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