Uncovering the past {edited}

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Today was the day that I ran away from that hell hold, away from my wicked mother who I could never forgive. She was the sole reason I agreed to come back to Japan, which was to look for her. Not because I cared about her but to give her a piece of my mind, the resentment that I had against women started because of her. I didnt know why but when Haruhi had slapped me across the face that day I felt myself changing and for some reason I was really scared because everytime I saw her or thought of her my heart would go all mellowly.

I spent nearly all my life trying to track my birth mother down, and it was just this morning that I recieved news about her whereabouts, not even going to waste another second I slipped out of the house without telling Rizelda where I was going knowing that she would come along or would try to stop me.

I told the chauffeur the address and we took off. I didnt know what I was feeling since all my emotions was all mixed up, driving me isane.

The car stopped outside Haruhi's building, not bothering to check with the chauffeur I got out and walked up the stairs and stood outside the house where they assumed my mother had been living.

I took a big breath in as all my emotions had become numb. ' All you have to do is knock' I told myself.

'What would happen if she opened the door?' I thought. My hand automatically moved from the door to my side.

All in the while not noticing 6 eyes on me.


We were on our way to pick up lazy Haruhi to go to the beach because we had a day off today, when we spotted Ryo standing next door to Haruhi's apartment.

" Does he know thats not Haruhi's house?" Kaoru whispered to me.

" More importantly what is he doing here?" Tamaki replied.

" How odd, hes just standing there" Honey mentioned.

Kyoya rang Haruhi and soon Haruhi appeared out of her house.


" What are you doing here Ryo?"

I turned around to see Haruhi standing next to me.

'Oh fudge!' I thought as the last thing I wanted was to crash into her.

" Ur-ah um I could ask you the same?" I blurted, too shocked to even think of something smart to say.

" Hello? Ryoichi,Is you that you?" My mother asked, suddenly opening the door to find me and Haruhi staring at each other before we both turned our attention to her.

" Dont call me that you filthy commener" I shouted as I had already lost my temper just by the mere sight of her as the memories suddenly started to come flooding back.

" Come on, drink it Ryoichi" she smiled handing me some drugged acholic drink.

I hesitated.


If giving drugs to her kid was bad well getting absued was even worse.

" What did you say you piece of-" She whipped me.

And sexually assulting me...

" Ryo Dont be-" Haruhi tried to reason with me.

" Stay the hell out of this Haruhi" I gritted my teeth trying my hardest not to lash out at Haruhi as well.

" Ryiochi whats gotten into you?" My mother said coming out of the door to only stand between me and Haruhi. I looked at her with rage.

" Shut up you, you monster!" I spat at her.

I couldnt quite remember what exaclty happened except the fact that Haruhi crying and the host club pulling me away from my mother.

I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. I sat up with a jolt, how did I get here?

I walked over to my table and pulled my draw open grabbing out the depression pills out and chugging it down with some water which was on my bedroom table.

I walked out to the living room to find the host club and Rizelda sitting down talking about something.
When they saw me they all looked at me worriedly and Rizelda looked quite angry with me.

" How could you dare do things like that Ryo! I thought you knew better" Rizelda got up and walked over to me with her hands crossed.

I looked at her confused, " What are you talking about?" I asked.

" Dont be ridiculous Ryo, you know what you did" she replied.

" Is that what I think it is?" Rizelda walked past me and sharing the same glances with the host club we followed her.

When we got to my room, Rizelda had opened all the doors throwing thing s everywhere. I looked at Rizelda who held the medications I just took.

" I knew it...Oh my god Ryo why must you be like this!" She said dropping the medicines and put her hands on her head.

Kyoya picked up one of the medications and was reading the labels on it before looking at me.

" He cant remember because of the side effects or the fact that he didnt take them yesterday" Kyoya said.

I gulped.

Rizelda took a deep breath before speaking to me in a quiet voice. " You met up with your mother yesterday and you nearly strangled to death, Ryo.."

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