End result {edited}

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Ryo opened his mouth and laughed.

" Did you really think I was go on a blab about why" He smiled.

" Honestly you guys really must mistake me for Tamaki, but I'm no idiot, and I know what you guys are up to"

I looked at him shocked, unable to respond.

" I can't believe they sent a girl to fetch me" Ryo continued. " A commener as well"

I gulped.

" Pathetic" and with that Ryo walked past me, opened the door and left.

I stood there frozen where I was. I couldn't tell the differnece between my enotions as I was still trying to process the words he just had spat at me, as he personality was absurd and all over the place, it was as if he had a spilt personality.

" Haruhi?" The twins called out to me.

" Haru-chan?" Honey mumbled grabbing my hand.

" Huh?" I said snapping back to my senses.

"You okay?-" Hikaru started

"-Cause you don't look too good.." Kaoru finished.

" Y-yeah I think so"



"Calm down!" My brother tells me as I punched the wall near the stairs on the way to the host club.

" I know, I know I should Kaoru!" I snapped at him.

" But you just can't, can you?" Kaoru added.

I nodded, as I walked up the stairs cursing under my breath.

It was all Ryo's fault, that I was this mad, not because of what he said to me about keeping my mouth shut when he came bursting into the host club, but because what he had done to Haruhi.

Its been three days since our first attempt to get Ryo to our side, and since then Haruhi wasnt like her normal self. She had started to skip club hours, to do God knows what, and started to ignore us, and what was even worse is that neither of us knew what was said or happened between Haruhi and Ryo since apparently by Kyoya, the earpeices had lost connection, and had reconnected when my brother, Honey, Mori and I were talking to Haruhi inside the room.

We walked into the host club to see everyone looking at us hopefully but sighed as they saw us, and not Haruhi.

' We cant just sit here and do nothing" Kaoru said, sitting down on the couch next to me.

" Yeah, we cant just let Haru-chan be the way she is, we need to teach Ryo-chan a lesson!" Honey added.

" Yeah" Mori nodded.

Kyoya sighed. " I'm only doing this so that we dont lose any more money"

" Alright! Lets do it, fo-Tamaki began

" -for Haruhi" Everyone chipped in.



I walked out of the second library, carrying expensive books I borrowed from the library.

I sighed as I passed the stairs which led to the host club, feeling guilty for ignoring them, it wasnt because I still hated the host club for forcing me to join their club, but because I just needed a little bit of space and I just wasnt in the mood to hang out with them.

Since I just couldnt forget what Ryo had told me

" I can't believe they sent a girl to fetch me"

"A commener as well"

Those words had always hurt me in the past, but for some weird reason it hurt even more than before when Ryo said it to me.

I stopped by my locker to put  the homework that I had just completed for English and Science at the library before grabbing my bag and heading home"

As I was going down the stairs I heard shouting which was rare at Ouran, curious I headed down quickly to check it out.

When I got down the stairs, I saw Hikaru holding Ryo by his collar against the lockers, with the other hosts surrounding them.

" What the hell is your problem!?" Ryo spat.

" Your the problem here" Hikaru sneered, punching him on  the cheek, sending Ryo to the ground.

I was about to interfere when Tamaki appeared all of a sudden.

" He needs to learn his lesson, Haruhi" He muttered.

Unable to put the pieces together at the time I watched as the twins and Honey and Mori interrogating him with force.

" I have no clue what the hell you guys are talking about!" Ryo told them.

" Cut the crap, you obiviously did something to hurt Haruhi" I heard Hikaru say.

" G-Guys stop" I managed to say at last.

The twins looked in my direction, hesitating before they backed away from Ryo.

I walked over to where Ryo was. I knelt down so that our eyes met, before biting my lip and slapping him across the face saying

" I dont know what happened in your past but that doesnt give you the right to judge woman all the same! We are all different whether we are boy or girl, and plus words hurt people so before you speak next time, think what you are going to say and how it affects people!"

I got up from the floor and ran away picking up my school bag on my way out, thinking ' I hope he had learnt a lesson.'

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