Chp. 8 Truth

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Chorong's Pov.

I wake up and it's dark. I feel something heavy in my shoulder and saw mark oppa was laying his head on my shoulder. Yah? Why I am with him? Oh yeah, I remember I was with him last night.

"Yah, wake up. It's 6:30 in the morning. We have to get out of here and do something and ask for help" I said and shaking my shoulder to make him wake up.

"Arasso" he said while yawning and stretching his arms. Even in morning he is handsome. Yah, hajima!

"Anyone, help us!" I shouted and knocking the door many times like i'm gonna broke it.

"Yah, stop your not helping" he said.

"Wow, excuse me. I'm the only one doing something to find a way and get out of this stupid room!" He is blaming me. Wow, I hate him! He's a boy but he's the one doing nothing.

I sat on the floor and cry...

"This is all your fault! If you don't pull me here and locked the door we will not stuck in here" I hate him so much!

"Don't blame me, blame yourself!" He argued.

"Your such a good boy! I will not gonna blame myself because this is not my fault!" I shouted to him.

"Argh, forget it!" He said and sat a little far from me.

Mark's Pov.

"Argh, forget it!" I said and sat a little far from him.

I was not in a good mood since I hate stupid noises in the morning and she started it. I remember the deal, I was worried about taeyeon and where is she? This is all my fault and chorong was right. I should blame myself.

Because I remember the deal, my good mood change. Argh, hate that stupid boy!

After 30 minutes..

A janitor walk through the door.

"Yah, hyung! Open the door please, we're stuck here!" I said and trying to make noise so he can here us.

Finally, he saw us and he was opening the door. I look at chorong to say that we can escape but she was lying on the ground.

"Yah, chorong-ah. Come on the door is opened we can get out here" I said and trying to touch her forehead and it was hot.

"Oh no, your sick! Come on I will bring you to the clinic" I said and carry her like a bride to the clinic. I don't care if I carry her since she was tired and there's no one in here yet because it's too early tho.

"You don't ne-eed to bri-i-ng me to-o the cli-i-nic" she said while tuttering because of cold.

"Aniyo, you need to go and they will just check you up" I said and walking faster .

She don't say anything and she just closed her eyes.

This is all my fault! Arghh... Sorry again chorong. I thought this will be a good idea to make you fall in love to me but the result was not good at all. I hate it!

"Nurse, she has a cold. Can you take care of her?" I said worried.

"Ne, just wait outside. You can't go in here, we will just tell you if she's okay" she said and I nodded. I sat towards the door. Ottoke?

"Yah!" I looked at my right and saw the bad boy who make the deal.

"What again?" I said and stand to face him.

"You only have 3 months to do our deal! If you make chorong fall in love to you, you have a chance to take your taeyeon back. But if you don't, then I will have your girlfriend" he said and smirking.

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