Chp.10 Jealous

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Chorong's Pov.

Today is monday, can't wait to see bomi unnie.

Before I enter the room, I go first to the library to borrow a book since we need it on our first sub.

Since it was too early and I have 45 minutes more to read here.

I read the Breakup Planner. I read the prologue, and it was great story. I will just gonna borrow it and read it when I get home.

I was reading and--

"Hey" a boy said and lean the books on the table. I was in shocked because, why would a strange boy would talk to a girl that he doesn't know yet. Boys really are boys. Ishh

"Ahm, do I know you?" I asked. He looks like a gangster because of his looks. He is tall but cute. Wait what? Hajima he's a stranger.

"Can I join you?" He asked. I don't know what to say.

"Ahm, su-u-re?" I said. Why am I stuttering?

"Thanks" he said and take a seat infront of me.

I am so curious right now, like they are so many vacant seats here and why me? Hajima, stop thinking and just continue reading.

"So how's your morning?" Seriously why did he asked!? Ofcourse I'm in a bad mood because of you.  Earlier, I was just in a good mood but you ruined it!

"Ahm, great I guess?" Well, I don't really know what to answer so.

"Do you wanna come with me?" He asked.

"Where and why?" I asked. Ofcourse I will not gonna come with a stranger that I just met today.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to you."  he said. Still not gonna trust him.

"Sorry, I am studying" I said and look at the book.

"Come on. It'll be fun" he said. Arghhh, he is so annoying!

"How many times will I tell you that I'm not going" I said making me angry. Seriously, he ruined my day!

"No, you can't ignore me" he said in a serious voice.

"Why would I trust you? I don't even know you" I said and because he is so annoying.

Before he would say any words I stood up and pack my things and ready to leave. But immeddiately, he pulled my arm and I hate it 'cause I almost fell.

"Yah, hajima" I said but he's not listening.

"Can you stop talking" he said and why would I follow him?

I talk and talk so he will get mad and leave me now. But I was wrong.

"Wait, where are we?" I recognize this room.
Wait, is this the storage room that me and mark oppa stucked? Oh no.

"In the storage room" please don't tell me your going to lock the door.

"Don't you dare to lock the do--" before I end my words he locked it. Gosh, now we're stuck in here.

"I said don't lock it, but you did. Now we are stuck here" I said worringly. Ahhh, ottoke? I have to find a way to get out of here.

"Then, it's better!" He said being happy. Seriously? While me dying thinking what to do and him did just smile. I don't have my phone on my pocket and unluckily, my phone was on my bag. Arghhh, forget it!

"Please, what do you want? Leave me alone"
I'm afraid right now 'cause I'm stuck with a strange guy. I don't know whose I'm going to ask for help.

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