I'm Sorry

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 "God I hate you so much Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaimed, gripping Tsukki's shirt.

Tsukki looked around, they were in the middle of nowhere but how? He looked at Yamaguchi who wore the most disturbing yet adorable angry face.

"B-but how? Wha-"

Yamaguchi started again, "This was all your fault you hear me, all your fault!"


Tsukishima Kei immediately woke up, drenched in sweat and petrified by that nightmare.

Tsukki always thought things would just go on normally until he graduated from high school but why? Why now? Why would someone like Yamaguchi do such a thing? He grabbed his phone and dialed Yamaguchi's number only to realize that no matter how many times he would call, no on e would answer.

Because Yamaguchi Tadashi was gone.

Tsukki never saw it coming but it was about a week since they found his body in the bathroom, hos wrists cut open. He never wanted this, it was never meant to be this way. Were those smiles fake all along? If they were  then why did Tsukki not notice? Why didn't Yamaguchi say anything? He noticed how Yamaguchi would always wear either a sweater or a jacket but why didn't he say anything.

Tsukki stood up, grabbed his jacket, and left the house quietly so he didn't have to deal with his mother or brother. He jogged to the cemetery and after what seemed like forever, found where Yamaguchi was buried. When he stared at the tombstone, he felt as if their friendship was just thrown away. He hated how he wasn't there for Yamaguchi and how Tsukki didn't cherish all the times  they spent together.

Now he was going to face the consequences and never see him do a jump-float serve, never see his wide beautiful smile, never hear him say his name, and never hear him say , "Sorry Tsukki."

Tsukki knelt down, his hands gripping the tomb tightly, and felt tears streaming down his face. It's been so long since Tsukki cried and felt such remorse. This is the worse he ever felt and Tsukki despised it.

Then he said the words he thought he would never hear himself say, "Sorry Yamaguchi."

( :'))))))))))))))))))))))))) sorry)

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