This is What Happens When You Get Caught

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    With final exams coming up, Daichi really needed to improve his English since it's well..not his best subject and since Suga has the highest grades for English in their class, he invited him over. After cleaning up the house, Daichi decided to cook spicy mapo tofu, Suga's favorite food, to show his gratitude to Suga since he knows Suga needed to focus on his own studies. Daichi sighed and went over to the kitchen. Before going in, however, Daichi turned on the radio since he didn't like how it was really quiet in his home, due to the fact his parents are not here. He brought the small radio into the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients. As he started cooking, one of his favorite song started playing.

 "Sometimes you've got to bleed to know,
That you're alive and have a soul,
But it takes someone to come around to show you how."  

Daichi couldn't help but sing along, banging his head, and occasionally doing silly dance moves. Dachi didn't care that he was singing with terrible English since he was home alone.

"She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive,
She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire,
She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher,
Than I've ever been."

Or so he thought.

Just as when the song ended, Daichi heard laughing and he jumped, suddenly frozen in his position. That laugh was Suga's laugh.

Daichi slowly turned around, "H-hey Suga."

Suga slowly stopped laughing and took a deep breath, "Sorry to interrupt your..ummm I kept on knocking but you didn't answer so I went inside to see if you were okay..but I guess I know why you weren't answering the door," Suga laughed a bit more.

Daichi laughed nervously, "Sorry I didn't hear your knocking since umm you know why."

Suga smiled and nodded, "Yup and don't worry I won't tell anyone."

"Okay good thanks," Daichi replied as he finished cooking.

"No problem," Suga smiled and went to the living room, where they were going to study.

"Oh by the way, you have adorable dance moves," Suga called out from the living room.

This made Daichi blush furiously as he vowed to never play music loudly ever again.

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