Chapter Twenty Three

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Dr. Collins was left in the care of a nurse, her distressing state positively unfathomable to the two clients of no known acquaintance to one another, that aided her. The nurse didn't ask questions, indeed at first appearing downright frightened to see the therapist. It shouldn't have surprised me that Dr. Collins' ability to alienate people stretched beyond just myself.

Nate and I left the hospital together, conversing in a way far too nonchalant for a man who'd drugged a woman and his accomplice. The dark eyed criminal showed no sign of quitting my company and I couldn't help but wonder if it was to avoid someone else. I couldn't say I blamed Nate for his shifty glances as he boarded the bus nor his apprehension to leave me; Red was not going to be pleased Nate had foiled yet another one of his schemes.

What punishment might await Nate this time?

You are far too cowardly to even dare imagine Evans.

Seating myself on the bus and glancing at the Red beside me, the was no question that either of us could dare assume what would happen next.

What did we have to be willing to risk for nothing more than my freedom?

Nate distracted us both by telling me about his music, a topic that distracted his fear with joy. So much joy, in fact, that when my phone rang moments later I was begrudged to answer it.

And what Evans, leave Nate to dwell on the impending doom you have provoked?

I looked to Nate apologetically before digging deep into my pocket and retrieving my phone.

"Hello." Nate turned away, scanning the passing street.

"Hey Chris!" I cringed, very aware of a far more pressing threat than Red himself. Nate had stilled before casting an anxious gaze over his shoulder.

"Hey Beth," I replied, swallowing my concern. "Are you alright?"

And alone?

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mandy's over because we've decided the summer holidays are better when they can suck in good company.," Beth said. I sighed, relief washing over me and subsequently Beth's very edgy boyfriend. Beth was safe if she was being a smart ass.

For now.

"So what do you want Philips?" I almost smirked and raised a brow. Beth was not alone and safe for the moment and Nate was already on his phone, most likely messaging someone in the effort to make it remain so. "You're only happy and cheery Bethany when you want something," I muttered. I heard Beth laugh and say something equally as cutting to Mandy.

"You know me so well Chris, it's almost off putting." She laughed. "Well since you asked... Mandy and I were wondering if we could come round to yours. As I said Evans, the summer sucks better when in good company." She paused and allowed the racket that filled what would have been silence to give further explanation to her calling. "Besides Cheryl is wailing and Mum wants us out the house," Beth continued. I raised a brow, very aware that Beth's boyfriend was sitting a fingers length away and with no alibi for being so that Beth might deem acceptable.

"Well I'm on the bus, just getting back from an...appointment." Nate snorted, placing his phone back in his pocket. Beth was silent for a minute, thinking to herself before putting her hand to the mouthpiece and mumbling something to Mandy. I waited, trying to anticipate where this already bizarre day might be headed.

"Yeah that's fine, we'll bring round some nibbles if you provide the tea."

And your boyfriend perhaps?

At least having her close may keep her safe in the meantime.

"Right. OK. See you in a bit then." I ended the call before being subjected to an all too cheery goodbye. I confronted Nate's questioning gaze.

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