Chapter Six

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"So how's that controller sitting with you?" Jessica asked, finely slicing her salmon.

I stared down the length of the great table I now found myself a guest of. I couldn't have said I was surprised at the extravagance of the rolling table, tall backed chairs and ostentatious chandelier that crowned the scene, just a little overwhelmed. From my skirt and blouse to the frown on my face as I studied the cutlery, anyone with any observational skill would have concluded I was very much out of place.  

"You'd be surprised how comfortable it is," Kieran replied, raising a non nonchalant brow. "Not that I'm one to have plastic devices shoved up my arse on a frequent basis. I'm sure Michael is far more knowledgeable about such things." Kieran chewed on his meal as though he didn't notice Michael attempting to get to his feet. With reflexes as sharp as her indigo eyes, Jessica already had her hand on her husband, restraining him.  

Kieran could be so crude and if not for the fact Andrea was silently giggling I might have questioned whether it was my place to say something.

"Such uncivilised conversation for a dinner party, really you would think we were savages." Vince despaired, shaking his head. Andrea hid her smirk by covering her mouth with her serviette, peering beneath long lashes at Vince besides her. You could not mistake a certain fondness between the pair, perhaps in knowing they may have been the only sane people to call themselves Indigo. 

"Perhaps I might be as so bold as to change the subject," Vince proposed. He raised his own serviette to his pursed lips and captured my attention quite suddenly with his piercing indigo glare. "Tell us about yourself Miss Evans, indulge an old man with a fair young woman's secrets." 

Kieran choked on his drink and I was sure I would have found it hilarious if not for the fact I was turning the same shade as his wine. 

"I'm not a very interesting person, " I replied. 

"You can say that again," Sophia murmured. I swallowed. As the desire to flee began building in my stomach it was too swiftly halted by the cool and reassuring hand that slipped into my own. In that one small gesture a new confidence was born. 

"You're OK, Evans." 

"And yet, here you are Christine. One is not a guest of the Indigos without being of the most...curious of people." There was something devious and dark about Vince in that moment and he must have sensed it as he quickly corrected himself.  "After all, we don't entertain guests frequently...well unless you're Mack of course." A private laugh circulated the table and though I understood Vince's meaning I couldn't decide whether I was welcome to join in. 

I cleared my throat, squeezing the hand that held steadfast to mine beneath the table. 

"What would you like to know?" I asked, aware of how vulnerable such a question could leave me. 

"No Chris if you don't want to-" Kieran started.

"Its fine I don't mind, really," I said. If anything, this moment of de ja vu was only fair considering the awkward dinner party Kieran had once shared with my family. Kieran folded his arms and shot an evil glance at Vince. I ignored it and like a lamb for the slaughter waited for Vince to commence his interrogation. 

"How about we start with your family? For some of us it's been a while since we've experienced the real thing," Vince said. He was so casual and I could only suppose this was an example of Kieran's warning of dangerous Indigo banter. 

 "Um, my mum, Vanessa, had me while she still was a teenager of sorts and my biological father wasn't really around until after I was born." I licked my lips. "He was in an accident that left him brain damaged so he lives in a specialist care home and I visit him...when I can..." 

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