The Selfish

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*shameless self promotion  video*


If any of the chapters insult one of your favorite characters I'm sorry it just to make the story less boring.

This was the final dragon game for the season. My team was tied with Raven's with only 30 seconds left the ball was thrown upwards and I caught it. Raven's team surrounded me I looked for Ashlynn, I saw Ashlynn behind Poppy and pass it to her. With attention on her I was able to fly next to their goal. Ashlynn saw me, she dove under the dragons circling her and flew towards me. Dragons from the other teams were come for her left and right. I signaled to her she was close enough to pass it but before she did Raven on Nevermore flew in. Raven grabbed and was attempting to take the ball from Ashlynn, Ashlynn loyal to me her friend held on but she was sliding of the dragon. Her legs were dangling in midair, Ashlynn hand lose grip and was falling Raven watch her without helping, after her hands were off the ball she flew to our goal. Me and the other dragon riders swooped down trying to help her gladly, she was able grab on to the tail of Melody's dragon. While this was happening the students and faculty was cheering, cheering are they serious! When I knock Darling off her dragon accidently people booed me hated me Raven did it on purpose and people cheer her on what the hex. Raven flew straight to the leftover jewels floating in midair then shoot it in to the goal winning. Everyone went hysterical the audience other dragon rider I think even Ashlynn was cheering but she could have been serious injured. Whatever I apparently don't understand what's ok often to keep my friend I have to apologize for thing I don't understand people have told me that I'm always wrong so I'm used to it. The game ended and I headed to the dragon stalls.

I put Braeburn in his stall then change into my school outfit in the locker room. Walking out I was startled by Raven's voice "hey, Apple."

"Oh, hey Raven." thou I love her I didn't really feel like talking to her right now.

"Today was awesome when Ashlynn was falling me and nevermore got to show off how wicked cool of a team we are cause no one from your team was pay attention to me, anyways good game."

I pretend to be focusing on something else I nodded hoping she will go somewhere else. Finally, Raven got bored of lack of conversation and left. I stood there left wonder why, why is Raven always right why am I always wrong why does the fourth wall hate me. I'm not selfish, I'm not a bitch, I'm not evil, Raven can't always be right. People are always telling me that all mayhem going on at Ever After is my fault, maybe it would be better if I didn't exist. I when outside and spent the rest of the day think about this in the enchanted forest.

A few hours later I was wearing curler, a red pajama dress robe the usually. I dragged myself over to bed and cover myself with the sheets trying to block the world out. My worries were fading I started to fall asleep then in a sing song voice, Raven called my name. I poked my head from under the covers to see Raven in black lacey under garments she was draping herself against the side of the bed "why are you wearing those thing" jumping on to my and climbed on top of me "playing hard to get Apple pie"

"Raven I don't feel like it tonight" I said closing my eyes and covering my head again

"Yay, but what about me" throwing the covers off me

"who's being selfish now" I mumbled

"Apple pie less talk more sex" untying the ribbon of my robe

"Raven" scrambling away from her and getting out of bed.

"What your problem"

"You want to know what my problem is; I've been about how no one like even thou I'm nice. Then there's Kitty who is always pulling mean pranks and even your mom is more well like than me. People think I'm evil yet I'm loathed I don't want to be hated for being me."

"Yay whatever half the school use to hate me"

"And the other half use to hate me plus the fourth wall always hated me while they love you now all of the school loves you sometimes the people I consider my closes friend hate me."

"OK, are we going to have sex now."

"No Raven I need to think, and I don't think I like you right now."

"You can't break up with me! Do you want to be a bitch?"

"Maybe, then maybe people would like me, then I could finally so people that I wasn't evil before" I said walking out.

I heard as I was closing the door "yay like she can get any worse." Watch me.

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