Tuning Pegs

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It wasn’t hard to find Sparrow treehouse I just followed the bad song barrelling out from the trees. I never saw it before, but his treehouse was exactly how I imagined it would look. The planks were uneven leaving small gaps, it had no door just a door frame in the middle of the house, on each side were a small windows with makeshift curtain that looked stained. I couldn’t see much of the inside because of the terrible lighting inside. I turned from my bunny form back into a human and starting to climb the rope ladder hanging out of the fort.

I pulled myself to the top and looked around. In one corner his bed, it was smaller than the ones at the dorm. In another his dresser, in a small bowl was a few pieces of jewelry probably stolen from other girls, and bottles of one type of cologne which he usually reeks of in classes. Their was also another doorway must be the bathroom. Next corner mini freezer, a microwave and cups of ramen. Classy. Scattered on the floor were articles of clothing and candy wrappers. As I was looking at the garbage laying around on the floor I noticed to music has stopped I turned to look in the last corner. Sparrow was giving me a death glare. “You know trespassing a crime honey bunny.” He says in a serious manner.

Shit I didn’t think of a reason to be here. He steps forward planning on kicking me out, we lock eyes as I think of an excuse. “Um… I wanted to see you... um, play your guitar.” He stops walking towards, his eyes widen. No surprise he never heard that before. I lean towards him grabbing his hand with my gloved one and walk him towards the bed, the only place to sit in the room. I saw color appear on his cheeks as we sat together. Great the plans working.

“What would you like the rockingest guy in ever after” Sparrow point to his grinning face “to play for you, pretty lady?” He screeched the last of the question.

I tried not the roll my eyes at his cocky ignorance. “How about you play one of your band's latest songs?” I leaned closer and batted my eyes pretending to be interested in him.

He looked shocked, like everyone at school expected, he talks about having a lot of bitches but actually never had a girl flirt with him. “You got it lady!” and with that he started strumming on his guitar.

A minute in I was barely restraining myself from covering my ears, I was staring at the tuning pegs wanting to twist them. I swear he’s tone deaf, he’s just nodding his to the bad beat. I tapped my foot impatiently, he confused it to happily tapping along and started smiling and started to close his eyes. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I grabbed his guitar and stood up to tune it. “What did you do to your guitar? The looseness of the strings is madness?

“I don’t need to tune it, it not like I touch the pegs” Sparrow said defensively he crossed his arms and pouted as he let me fixed his guitar.

“Playing the guitar can cause the strings to loosen Sparrow.” I replied focusing on the guitar.

He stood up and moved in front of me trying to intimidate me with his height. “And how do you know how to tune a guitar?” Sparrow gave me a dirty stare from above.

Why is he so aggravating “I pick somethings up other instruments in muse-ic class. You know, the class you never attend because you have nothing to learn from that class.” I did air quotes when saying you having nothing to learn. I stood on my toes giving him a matching stare. When I was done tuning I tested it by playing the first five second of a song I like. I handed the guitar back to Sparrow and started head towards the door.

“Wait” he had desperation in his voice, I turn my head “You were just playing Smells like Teen Spirit.” I nodded. “I love Nirvana, I tried to play there music before but it didn’t sound right. I always thought I just wasn’t talented enough to play one of their songs.” He held the guitar in position to play. He hesitated, and took a deep breath. Is he scared to embarrass himself? Finally he started strumming, and he actually didn’t sound that bad. He also seemed happily surprised to of how well he did. He smiled at me. “You go Bunny.”

“Thanks” I replied shyly. I proceeded towards the exit until I was interrupted by Sparrow.

“Stay, I’ll play the whole song.” Before I can reject his offer he take my hand and throws me towards the bed, he sit down next to me, smiles and starts to play, adding the lyrics.

“Load up on guns, bring your friends

It's fun to lose and to pretend

She's over-bored and self-assured

Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, how low”

I relaxed, laying my head on Sparrow shoulder as he sang one of my favorite songs. When the song was done the song he looked at me with his olive eyes at my lips, too scared to make the first move. So I cupped his face and pulled his lips into mine. At first I was the only one kissing, then Sparrow relaxed and kissed back slipping his tongue into my mouth. I pulled him towards me as I lean back so I was laying on the bed with him on top of me. He unbuttoned my vest and threw it across the room as my hands moved up and down his torso.

He pulled away “Um Bunny… this would be my first time…” he blushed away from me, unable to say this to my face.

No shit sherlock, I wanted to say. “Mine too” giving him the sexyest smile I can muster. His cheeks got redder and I pulled him back in…

And I stayed there that night.

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