Riot for cake

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"Delicious" I said smelling the muffins that I pulled freshly out of the oven. I placed them on a candy inspired table before yawning. I often get up at four to make enough breakfast for the whole school, but the their faces when they sink their teeth into my taste treats make it all worth it. I take some of the cooler breakfast treats and put them on one of the many carts. As she was doing it she tried to put decorate the treats to match the students and teachers personality.. Raven had caramel spikes on her croissants, Headmaster grimm had a unicorn frosted on his muffin etc. Ginger believe that her treats can't just be taste but also look good.

If you were a teacher in their classroom grading papers or a student doing the homework last minute in a storage closet because the castleria is too loud to focus you might think a manly student like Hunter Huntsman is sawing wood in the distance. But in front of the doors I was pushing all of the carts across the tiled school floor at the same time. I stopped at a pair of giant oak doors that led to the castleria. I put one ear against the door to hear how many people were there. No sound, I thought this was suspicious, but I thought no one hated her anymore, there was no reason to be nervous. I didn't mind being early so she decided to enter and set up where a lunch line would be forming.

I hoped that the letter would arrive today. I wasn't expecting mail but a letter to the most prestigious culinary school in all of ever after was what I have wished for ever since I learned what college was. This motivates me to bake everyday for the whole school. In the morning with students were also teachers getting quick bites to eat one day one of the famous staff might notice my cooking and send a letter of recommendation. Ever After High was the most popular school in ever after with the most respect staff if any of the teachers or consulars sent a letter it would guarantee me a spot in the school. I'm not saying that I don't also want to make breakfast for the other students, it just would be a lot less stressful if my future wasn't on the line.

The thought of getting a chance to go to this school left me elated. I let myself wander in my daydreams, I closed my eyes picturing others with the same talent of baking as me we could talk and munch on each others treats all day. As the door swung open I was awoke from my daze by a substance like lotion slap my cheek.

I open my eyes. In the castleteria a mob of students stood in front of me some were holding up signs some were yelling most were throwing pastries at me. I stared wide eyed, frozen as the threw treats at me. I used a finger to rub the substance that hit me before off my cheek to see what it was, frosting. I eyed the crowded reading the signs 'Rebel! Bullshit!' 'Just Kill Yourself' 'No one like you or your poison cookies.' 'Burn in the oven bitch."Most of the faces were of anger some were laughing. They were enjoying seeing me suffer! I searched for the ones laughing. In the middle Duchess was trying to aim a donut at me but couldn't because she was laughing so hard, 'this wasn't a surprise she never believed in me'. Up above Kitty was giving her signature smile, 'go figure she loves pranks'. On the right Melody was egging everyone on, 'Melody she my roommate I thought she supported me'. And in the back was Raven hold a sign that said Ginger's Pastry Shop selling shiterdoodles and cuntbrulee. 'What, I thought she was my best friend forever after'. I fell tears run down my cheeks this caused another uproar of laughter. The feeling returned to my legs the made my break for it.

I ran as fast as I could through the halls of Ever After High I was panting loudly but I already fell into a humiliating trap so I had nothing to lose. Students who were not in the castleria whisper about me as I passed them. Crumbs and frosting were falling off my cloths as I ran. Igot in my room and slammed the door shut then locked it in case someone had followed me. My back was on the door, where I caught my breath. I went to the bathroom, I turned on the hot water and stepped in. I let the water run down my face until I couldn't tell what were tears and what weren't. I wash my assiduously, making sure I got every crumb out. Ten minutes later I was wrapping a towel around my body. I hear a bell that signaled I was late for class, after what happened I couldn't go to class today. I wonder why did they turn on me? What did I do wrong this time? I laid on my stomach crying into a pillow on my bed.

I jolted up, the sadness was gone I realize there was nothing wrong with me. Everyone else just doesn't understand me. The sadness that was in my heart was now boiling over with ideas. Class could wait I had more important matters to deal with. I searched through one of my notebook until I found a black space. I listed everyone my mind couldn't forget was at the riot. I put a dash after the first name and started jolting down my plans for revenge.

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