The Question Everyone Asks

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Blondie and I were standing in front of the bathroom mirror. We were talking about many different subjects, including our show, school and family as we put on our make up

“So have you moved on from Dexter and seen a new guy that looks...well just right for you?” She said in her usual perky tone. I couldn’t tell if she was asking this because she wanted me to find happiness or because she wanted to do a report for her show on the latest in Cupid’s life

“No I still like Dexter but he likes Raven. I find someone else… eventually everyone does after being rejected, or broken up with.” I looked down I had difficulty talking about my love life. I know hypocritical I have people talk about their love lives on the air for advice but I refuse to talk about my own. Yes I’m working on that.

“What about Daring or Darling? They have similar features because their related.” Blondie turned towards me she was done with her makeup was sitting on the edge of the tub knowing she would be here awhile.

“Blondie I don’t like people just for their looks, I like Dexter because he is smart,”

“But he was too obvious to notice you liked him.”

“He’s sweet.”

“But broke your heart” She gave me a look that said ‘I will give you a come back for everything you say give up now.’

“He gives everything his best”

“His best as banging Raven.” Her joke crack herself up, her head leaned back and wild giggles came out of her.

That hit me where it hurt and my expression showed it. Blondie didn’t notice because she was laughing so hard tears were welling up in her eyes. My eyes were also welling up with tears but mine were of heartache. I organized my beauty supplies and left the bathroom. I grabbed my bag, my dorm key and the notebook I doodle in and left Blondie laughing in the bathroom by herself.


I placed the headphone on my ears to block out the outside world. My studio was a little space to let me get into my own head. When I first saw it the door was covered with wood planks keeping it shut. I sat behind a fancy oak desk with an attacked computer and microphone in front of a huge camera I borrowed from the tech team behind is a projector so the moving hearts appeared behind me on the purple wall backdrop. The hanging lights had replaced light bulbs so pink light shone on to me. I looked at the clock, and started my favorite part of the day. The computer had a program that let me control it from my desk in one tap of a key I could be on air for the whole school to see.

As the clock turned to eight I tapped the enter key. Click

“Hello Love-tales  thank you for tuning in. Today I would like to talk about where to find. Love is often searched for. Real love is not found if you one see a girlfriend or boyfriend as achievement, it not found if you act like someone else to impress them, and it is definitely not found at a strip club. It found in the most unexpected times, in the most unexpected places. So relax someone is going to love you and you are going to love someone if you let your heart fall in love voluntarily. Now my love-tale friends this is part of mirrorcast where I try to solve your romantic problems.  So caller what is your name or fake name?”

“Courtstair, So I my childhood crush is mad at my because I’m with another girl now” I looked at the computer screen showing a blurred face, Alistair maybe? I nodded at the camera and gave him an encouraging smile so he would keep going. “It’s been two weeks and we haven’t seen each other at all.”

“Okay, how often do you try texting her to see if you can rekindle the friendship?”

“Oh, I don’t want to be friends, I want her to be jealous and sad, of our true love. Do you think she is?”

“Has she threatened, attacked you or your girlfriend?”


Then I doubt it, just focus on your love, if she still wants a relationship with you she’ll act eventually. so why do want her to be”


The line when dead another call came in, “Hello caller, what is your name or fake name?”

“Step ladder” As she said on the other line you could hear a roaring crowd seem to quiet down.

The voice was unquestionable Raven’s. “Step Ladder?” I questioned, why anyone would want to go by that.

“Yes, because I climb my girl every night.”

“Right…What’s in your heart?”

“About month ago my roommate walked out on me, when is she going to come to her senses and beg for me back?” The room she was in was still loud maybe she was calling from the castleteria.

“Your roommate is your girlfriend?” I knew that her and Apple were roommates but I had to pretend that I didn’t recognize her. For a month Apple has seemed to be having a midlife crisis, or a mid-school crisis maybe. She has been acting violent and rude, I don’t know what happen to her. I saw her in the hallway once, I asked her if her behavior is because of her relationship. She told me that their was no ‘relationship” anymore that Raven’s a bitch. I doubted her but she said I couldn’t judge the situation without knowing everything about it. Before I could ask her about the situation she walked to talk to.

“Duh” Raven’s snarkiness pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Okay, why did she walk out?”

“Something stupid about how she felt.”

“I believe that listening to each other problems and feelings is necessary for a relationship for work. I don’t think she will come back unless you apologize.”

“Apologize, yay whatever after.” the line when dead

“So, Love-tales the line is free. Any love related questions you have can be answered in one call so seconds pass then a call appeared on the screen. I didn’t recognize the face or the voice when it said.

“So why doesn’t the Goddess of love have a boyfriend?” The question caught me off guard, I thought about an answer to this. I took my headphones off, push away from the desk, got up, and walked out of the room. I when two floors up to the girl dorms. I walked down the hall as girls stared at me they knew I should be at my studio. I didn’t feel anything except that they were right, I’m the Goddess of love but I have never had an boyfriend in the many years I have been alive. The one guy I did love doesn’t even notice me, it’s my job to tell people what to do when the guy they like doesn’t know they exist. I knocked on the door, as I have arrived at the room I wanted. Faybelle stuck her head out and stared me up and down “What do you want?”

“Teach me how to be evil.”

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