Screaming at the Sky

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So there I was standing in front of the scariest student in the school ordering her to teach me how to be evil. I couldn’t decide what she thought of me, made she thought this was a joke or made she was planning my murder, hard to tell with a villain like her. After a minute of Faybelle thinking she open the door wider and clicks her tongue. She walks forward signaling me to get out of the way. “Okay” says Faybelle turned away from me. She starts to flap her wings so she is hovering inches above the ground before flying through the girl corridors not bother to fly out students way. But midflight she turns around and looked back at me. She crossed her arms and scowled slightly. “Well, aren’t you coming?”

“Um… Don’t we have class in a minute?” I said point in the direction people would go if they decided to attend class.

Faybelle let out an exasperated sigh “Lesson one pink, villains don’t go to class unless the’re bored.” She said with exaggerated movements in the air “so hurry up.” Faybelle went back to flying in the hall as I also started to fly. Because I’m a cherub my wings were loud everyone in the hall could hear me lifting myself of the ground. I followed Faybelle in the air trying to catch up to her but we were about the same wing speed so I was way behind her as she flew through the the halls making sharp turns and slammed through double doors. Eventually Faybelle flew out a big open window so we were outside the school.

We landed at the front of the school, just us and some sweet fuzzy animals running by. Faybelle got some sunscreen out of her bag and lathered it on her wings while I found a nearby tree to lean on. When she was done she looked at me. I smiled wait, villains don’t smile, I changed my expression to a ‘if looks could kill’ glare, or at least I tried to make that expression. Knowing me it probably came out less intimidating than I hoped it would be.

“Lesson two, in this you will actually to be mean to someone.” Faybelle said pacing on the stone path the school has made for safe and easy arrives. “There has been someone I’ve want to yell at but now I finally can because the author finally gave me a serious role.”

“Author?” I question. What is faybelle talking about? This the real world.

Faybelle when on with her mini speech ignoring me. “That person is you RosabellaSwan or should I say the author” Faybelle yelled up to the sky as birds flew far away from us.

“Um…Faybelle what are you talking about?” I tried to be as polite as possible yet stay far away. You never know with crazy people, they might rip your arm off and start beating you will it.

“First of all you are terrible at updating, I mean chapters will be many months apart. With wouldn’t be such a problem if your stories were interesting or will written which the’re not. Seriously why do you even write stories?”

I decide it was best to stay far behind and let the madness play out.

“Second the content of the book. What is the beginning? It’s like you're insulting your audience of having opinions on the characters. By the way no one with those opinions would read a book about characters they hate. And Bunny’s story bitch it’s just Bunny having revenge sex, but not really because you refuse to write smut. And lastly you try to write song lyrics in to everyone of the chapters. You don’t even like songfics you bitch, I hate what you do I hate your whole...fuck you.” Faybelle’s voice got deep as blue magic surrounded her body. Pebbles and leafs that was on the ground levitated. She looked back at me “Say something to her.”

“Um...Fuck you?”

“Exactly” Faybelle screamed for the last time then started to calm down blue magic that surrounded her started to fade. Silence. I think Faybelle realized how crazy she was being and stopped. The class bell rang. We both turned towards the direction of the noise. Faybelle’s wings flapped softly in the air

“Lesson two done pink."

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