Black Scales

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I walked down the empty halls of Ever After High after school, checking a list I made on my mirrorphone. After I stormed out of my dorm I checked into a hotel at book end to sleep. Early in the morning I went to a clothes retail store and bought some clothes that screamed evil. Today I was wearing black stilettos that had a faux snake skin texture. A skimpy black dress with a layered black ruffled train made of sheer black fabric with red sparkles. I had also wore a black motorcycle jacket with gold spikes on the collar. I wore my hair up into a bun, a new crown would cost too much I didn't want my mom asking questions, so I got a head dress with fake, black crystals My outfit combines all the aspects a great villain is sexy, dark and powerful. I have gotten stares I even had someone throw a note at me in science and sorcery that said 'dress the outside to match the inside.' They haven't seen anything yet.

I looked on the list of evil things to do. I got my ideas from stories on a fanfiction site I read in class. Force Raven to sign the book. The storybook of legends was destroyed in Way too Wonderland, can't do that. Break up and date Daring. Hurt Rosabella, but she is so sweet. So they're dating who give a shit? Only Daring and Rosabella. Me and Rose are actually really close friends. Soft music came from the room on my right. Right, forgot that we had the occasionally party in the empty rooms. I open the door a crack to see what they were doing. It was set up like old fashion pub they're wasn't as many students as the normal Ever After High party would have. I was about to leave when I spotted Rosabella drinking at a far table, Daring was close behind near the balcony. I decided I would make small talk get a drink and leave.

I stroll in walking to to the bar on the left of the room I tapped my long painted nails on the counter to get the guy who seemed to be serving drinks attention. The guy turned around he had an expression on his face that showed he was surprised to see. I asked for a grasshopper then headed to the back table where Rosabella sat.

"Hey, Rose" I sat down across from her she was staring into her drink think about other matters but looked up at the sound of my voice.

Apple! Nice to see you." Her face lit up as she saw me.

"What's up?" I took a sip of the grasshopper.

"Oh the usual protesting the abuse of beast and Daring, he has been the fairest lately." She gave a dreamy signed at his name. "Now what up with your new look?" Pointing at the outfit I created.

Only person who asked about it all day. "I've been trying things that happen in the fanfictions. Have you read any?"

"Not lately."

"A lot of people write fan fictions where you and Daring are or are becoming a couple, but I am trying to sabotage the relationship because I want to date Daring." A pause then we both burst out in laughter making people stare at us.

"Yay right, you are way too gay to pull something like that. By the way how's Raven?" our laughter calmed.

A feeling of hatred filled me when hearing her name."We broke up." I timidly played with the straw as I was saying this.

Rosabella finished her beer and slammed the mug on the table"Oh, so when do you plan on ask her to forgive you for what you did?"

"What no, never It wasn't my fault." I yelled a bit, but she wasn't paying attention. She was watching the crowd that has formed around Daring, Daring was swinging his sword back and forth near a dragon's neck.

"Hey Rose, hey guys can we please get Rosabella to the front of the crowd?" As ask of she when through a path the crowd created to get closer to Daring. "This heroly kill is for you, my sweet Rose." again he when at the dragon. The dragon narrowly dodged the attacks a made calls of distress.

"No" I got up and started heading towards the cheering crowd. I tried pushing my way in but nobody would let me through. Nobody would save the dragon.

I hear a roar then silence. The crowd was deforming giving a chance to go towards the dragon. The dragon wasn't in sight I looked down We were too far up to tell what happen but I assumed the worst. Daring killed the dragon, and nobody stopped him. Not even Rosabella.

"You... you killed it. Why?" I stared out not looking capable of looking him in the eyes.

"Dragons are meant to be killed duh." He took a short break from staring at Rosabella to answer me.

"Rosabella, you're all about saving beast why didn't you stop him?" We had a dragon stable, that could of been someone's dragon.

"Cause I'm a girl, we put love first" She said in a tone like this was obvious. Behind me I heard a familiar screech call out.

I checked my phone for the time, 4:03 I should've been feeding her 3 minutes ago. Braebyrn flies near the balcony sniffing the air to find me. A gasp escapes my lips I heard Daring say from behind me. "Ha, I guess we get an encore."

He wouldn't dare lay a finger on my dragon. Then again his name is Daring. I backed away from the balcony, I moved behind the distracted Rosabella as doing so. She was batting her eyelashes at her boyfriend as he was acting knightly. I carefully removed her belt so she wouldn't notice my pick pocketing. Braebyrn who had now noticed me slanted her head confused. As Daring was lifting his sword I got a running start as I leaped off the balcony.

I land on my Dragon's side gripping her slaces for dear life. I lift myself up and swung one leg over Braebyrn. I wrapped the belt around her face like it was a reins so I can control her movements in the air.

Daring slashed at Braebyrn I moved her away before the sword hit her. Daring still slashed at the air in failed attempts to hurt her. I rubbed her neck, the rub signalled her to shoot a rod of lightning at the balcony also causing a fire. The students watching the fight screamed and ran out of the pub including Rosabella and Daring.

Karma's a bitch, I thought. I watched the flames grow and the people under me scream in horror. I gave a half smile then moved the reins and took off to the dragon stables.

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