The Cook Book

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I grabbed my dorm key from the kitchen counter and locked the dorm door, I put the key back, and flopped onto the bed. Laying down, I got my phone out of my dress pocket and scroll through my music until I found Taylor Swift’s Red album. I set my phone down and let my tunes play, at full blast, all the way up so anyone outside her door could hear it. If Melody came back to the dorm to get something for class before I planned I could have an excuse for not coming to the door immediately. I open our closet door bend down and pulled out a simple brown suitcase, hand-me-down from my mother from the back of my closet. Snap, the fake gold latchs unlatched, letting me open the suitcase. Inside was a book brown covered book. I took it out and set it gently on the kitchen counter next to my phone.

In gold the embellishment read “Breadhouse’s evil recipes”. My mom made me pack it, I told her I would never use it. I guess I was wrong. I flipped the book open to the contents. Yellow aged pages greeted me, not actually greeted me like they did in wonderland. I traced my fingers over the messy penned words written by my ancestors years ago. Leaflet suck out of the book which I tried not to disturb. I search for a concoction perfect for my revenge on Melody. I found a cupcake recipe that I thought was perfect for her and turned to that page.

Slimy Little Shits: cause that probably who you going to serve this to (makes a dozen)

You will need:

175 grams- Softened butter

175 grams sugar

2 teaspoons-orange extract

3 eggs

175 grams self raising flour

Half a cup of toads slime

One drop giants saliva

Last ingredient was partially crossed out and replaced One cup Maple syrup, the pesty snacks like Hansel and Gretel thinks it taste much better : )

I never understood how anyone could take so much pleasure in put other in pain. Maybe they were also bullied before, causing them to turn so cold, maybe they never got their revenge so they feel that they need to take their negative emotion out on strangers. Maybe that’s what happen to our family, that’s why she made me bring the family recipe book with me. This is her way of protecting from bullies? I noted to ask her this later.

I went through the cabinets and fridge taking out the ingredients and bowls to make the cupcakes I mixed the ingredients together, the batter became beautiful cream color. It looked so good, I took a clean spoon I poured it evenly into cupcake pans and put it into the oven. I sat on the floor watch the pink dragon fire bake the evil concoction. I song along to the music blaring out of my phone.

And when I fell hard

You took a step back

Without me, without me, without me

What if she tries to get back on me. She has magic too. On the other side of the room a flute case sat there like a warning from my backstabbing roommate. I looked up at the timer 30 minutes left. I hope they don’t burn. I jumped up, ran to the other end of the room I turn my phone off  threw the book in the closet grabbed the case and unlocked the door. I sped pace groups cutting class they snickered as I passed. Their talking about what happen early this morning. I was tearing up on the staircase. No, Ginger don’t cry turn that sadness into angry.

I ran out into the Enchanted Forest taking a brick path until I found a small stream. I bent down and put my fingers in the water. Cold water flowed through my finger then a squishy creature went across them. Little Jelly, My pet wish fish and helpful companion. I petted it a little bit more then showed it the black flute case “Can you hide it for me” I whispered to the fish and seeming to understand me. I gently put the case down in to the water until I feel it touch the sand river bottom. The fish bit down on the handle and slowly swim upstream.

I arrived back at the dorm as the timer was about to ring. I quickly turned off the timer and poked the cupcakes. Perfect I took some pot holders and took them out of the oven. As I waited for the evil little cupcakes to cool as I tidy up. Making sure that the mess from the making of the cupcakes were cleaned up. That no paper feel out of the old book from when I threw it in the closet, then put in back in the suitcase.

I did a simple vanilla buttercream dyed purple, I’m not going to do creative flavors for that bitch. When I was done with the buttercream the cupcakes were cool enough to frost and plate. So I neatly frosted them so it looks as appetizing as possible. Knowing her daily routine I place the plate on the unlit stove. She always checks to see if I have an afternoon snack cooking for her. Finally I’m done I put my earbuds in my ears and phone I press play and drowning my thoughts with sounds.

3:36, I‘m laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling replaying Taylor Swift’s albums. I was startled by the sound of the door turning but calmed down and pretended to be sad. Backpack slinged over her shoulder Melody entered the door and went straight for the cupcakes. She peel of the paper and took a huge bite, only then did she seem to notice me. "I heard what happened, I’m sorry. I can’t believe people would do that to you.”

I think I would prefer if she was just ignored me instead of be a fake bitch. “I’ll get over it don’t worry about me.” Relieve spread over her face if she didn’t want to be caught, she shouldn't have done it if she didn't want to take the blame. She patted my shoulder and when into our bathroom to take a shower after finishing the cupcake in a few quick bites and licking frosting off her fingers. As the door closes I hid a smile. Why is revenge so sweet?

Ten minute later she walked out trying to keep her towel from slipping off. She seemed confused to what was happening to as she went in to her closet to put on more comfy clothes. While she was doing this I moved to the corner of bed. Give this idiot a hint. She opened the door terrified staring at me. “For those who egg on, shall have skin that feels as slimy as eggs.” I said as her face changes from scared to angry.

“You bitch” she spits out like venom to me. “Change me back” she screams.

“Can’t” I said looking at my nail she makes it really hard to feel bad about her. “But it will wear off, eventually.”

“Ugh!” She screamed turning around but then stopped at when she noticed that her flute was missing. She looked at me shocked again.

“Karma’s a Bitch.”

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