Start of Change

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3rd POV

"Get out of my house!" Amy yells at a green Otter, who was horridly trying to escape out of the front door behind her; a few of her possessions held in their arms. Swinging her hammer, Amy jerks it into his stomach and he flies back into a wall near her staircase. Amy runs to catch her mini-grandfather clock, glass swan, and an antique bag of marbles.

"Damn, you're a crazy woman." He mutters, rubbing his nape. Amy frowns.

"You're crazy for trying to steal my stuff." She barks, placing her objects on the nearest surface. Walking up to the mobian who finally made it to his feet, she taps the handle to her hammer in her hand repeatedly. "Come back here ever again, and I'll make sure of it you don't leave without handcuffs."

The Otter nods hastily and runs out. Grunting, Amy puts her hammer away as well as her possessions. Her schedule has been al sorts of crazy this past week. First, when she goes shopping for food she has to stop a mobian from a shooting. Then, the next day at the park, the same mobian is mugging some old man. That leads up to today. 

Amy sits on her couch, flattening her red skirt with her hands, she pulls out her phone and calls Rouge. It rings once, twice, and finally the bat picks up.

"The bat's here." She says suavely. 

"And your pissed off friend is here, too." Amy says, rubbing her knees. She can hear Rouge gasp.

"Oh! Me too, don't get me started. I was looking on the interwebs during work yesterday and apparently I hooked up with Knuckles a while ago!" Rouge cries, " I didn't know this until today. Oh, honey, it gets worse. I met up with Knuckles yesterday at the master emerald to discuss this thief who keeps trying to steal useless crap, food, and money-"

"That's why I called!" Amy laughs.

"Me hooking up with Knuckles?" She asks. Amy crosses her legs and adjusts her position on the couch.

"No, about the thief. I've had to fight that guy for three days straight." Amy says. The line statics slightly, but she ignores it.

"You know, GUN just recently mentioned this guy as a side-assignment that we could to for a few extra credits. I've seen you fight, and you're a beast, I could possibly ask for you to join our little expedition, sweetheart."

Amy gasps, "You serious? It's not a real mission, because I'm not an agent in GUN."

"No. But, if you consider it, and GUN, maybe you could apply..?" Rouge says skeptically.  

"Where do we meet?" Amy asks, standing up and walking to her room to change her outfit. Rouge laughs.

"We can meet at that park you love to go to. The one with the fountain you read your book at." She says.

"Meet you there."


Rouge was sitting on a bench, legs crossed and posture fair, when Amy walked up to her. Before Amy left her house, she wasn't sure what to wear and Rouge told her normal clothes would do. So to that note, Amy wore skinny jeans and a red cropped top. Rouge was wearing shorts and a pastel tank-top.

"Hey babe." Amy jokes flirtatiously. Rouge flies up and hugs the pink hedgehog.

"Why hello. You ready to go undercover, sweetheart?" She asks. 

"Yes. This is going to be fun." Amy nods.

"Plus, lets call it 'New train of thought: part two'. I seriously think you need a restart. Trust me, I will help you. I'm here for you." Rouge rests her hands on Amy's shoulders and smiles.

"Thanks." They walk towards one of the thrift shops arm in arm, and continue laughing and talking.

That evening, the two mobians continued to walk down town streets in hope to find any signs of the Otter. Unfortunately, they passed by Cream and Tails, but being them they said hello. Tails said hi back, but Cream stayed silent as the four passed each other.

"She hasn't forgiven me yet." Amy says, lowering her head and her ears fall. Rouge nudges her.

"What? No. Amy, you need to forgive her. She needs to be begging for forgiveness on her knees. What happened was uncalled for and quite frankly, rude." Rouge says. Before Amy could respond, a cry is heard down an ally to their left. 

They both run to where the sound is heard, and sure enough, the Otter was there. He was standing in front of another mobian, but they were laying on the grown lifeless with blood cascading out of their chest and soaking into their clothes. He turns around, eyes wide and hands trembling.

"I-I didn't do it. It was selfdefense!" He sobs, dropping the knife. He takes a step closer, "I was running inside and they held a knife, I dodged it-" Rouge kicks him in the face, knocking him out senseless. When Rouge turns around, Amy had her hands held to her mouth, eyes teary.

Looking up, Amy tries to speak but her chest felt too swollen. Rouge realized that Amy probably hasn't experience this sort of thing up front. Slowly walking up to the crying girl, Rouge engulfs her in a hug and sighs, "I'm sorry. I must have skipped a few steps, sweetheart." She caresses the back of Amy's quills. "You still wanna be a part of GUN?"

Amy nods into her shoulder, a muffled gasp is sounded and Rouge can't help but feel guilty. She got a little too carried away. Pulling away, Amy wipes her face.

"Yes. I'm not changing my mind. I just," She pauses, "I've got to get used to it."

"That's the spirit." Rouge says. Lifting the Otter off his feet, her and Amy head back to turn him into the police.

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