Commemoration Ball (Part 2)

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3rd POV

Sonic looks nice and cleaned up, the colors for the evening giving his overall palette a pleasant brightening. It's almost as if he could feel their eyes on him, and mid conversation Amy watches him flick his attention to his right to catch their own.

She can't read the expression he's wearing, but he's quick to compose. The pit in her stomach drops as she proceeds to watch Sonic excuse himself from the small group he was talking to, and make his way over to their general direction.

Was he coming over to talk? To confront them?? The last thing she wants is to attempt small talk in a social setting this large with the man who blew up at her last time they spoke.

She feels Shadow's fingers that are laced with hers tighten protectively, and suddenly the pit in her stomach flutters.

Her eyes waver, but she holds her breath in nervous anticipation as Sonic walks up to them and passes, giving a quick glance his way, and continues forwards down the stairs behind them.

She doesn't relax until the echoing sounds of his footsteps fade into the distant background of the event.

She's surprised he didn't say anything, and she exhales the tension off of her shoulders.

"That was nice." She can't help but say aloud.

"That was being a decent person." Shadow mutters, nudging their intertwined hands. Amy looks up to see his brow crease as he continues, "That is him respecting your boundaries. It's the minimum, and you deserve the entirety of his respect. He needed to slow down so that his actions speak louder than his excuses for once."

He's right, and she knows this.

The gesture is still sitting with her though. From the part of her that hopes they can build a genuine friendship one day. She's caught up in her conflicting thoughts, over the fact that for just one split second, she really did hope he'd say something to them. Just for her own selfish excuse to talk to him. The stubborn part of her that's still stuck in the girl she was years ago; complacent to the avoidance.

Shadow's hand in hers is a grounding reminder that she's grown since then, and that she should be patient.

She sighs again, rather audibly aimed entirely at herself, and nods her head at her handsome and very patient boyfriend, "Thank you, Shadow." And she means it, so very dearly.

His eyes are intense as they stare into hers, and he gently raises her hand to kiss her knuckles, "You're welcome, Rose."

Amy's cheeks flush, heart aflame, and she breaks eye contact.

The sight of the ballroom is beautiful, and she remembers why they were up here to begin with. To dance.

She takes a step forward, playfully tugs Shadow's arm along with her and he chuckles beneath his breath, following with no resistance.

"I'd love to dance."

"It'd be my pleasure."


A hand rests firmly along the curve of her back, the other around hers where they're resting against Shadow's chest. The pace they're moving at arguably shouldn't be considered dancing at this point in the night as they sway in each other's arms to the beat of the live band.

Amy's head lays on his chest, and when she nudges closer to him, she can feel Shadow drop the weight of his cheek atop her head. Her own hand is placed to his back, and she marvels at the feeling of his suit jacket folding against her fingers.

A low sound hums deep in his chest where Amy's ear is pressed, and she feels the tug of something familiar against her heart.

"Shadow,," She starts, voice quiet from the lack of use. His head lifts and she takes that moment to lift her own and look up.

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