Warm Greeting

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3rd POV

Amy's suspicions about Shadow missing her,, have been proven to be an understatement.

She doesn't know why its affecting her the way it is, and to such a high degree, but the pink hedgehog can't focus on the group of friends that have come over tonight to say hi to her boyfriend when said boyfriend keeps stealthily sneaking her away and kissing her senseless in more secluded areas of his house.

She,, likes it too much.

Amy doesn't know if he's being so affectionate because of past events or simply because they're official- because they are actually in a relationship and they don't have to tiptoe around one another.

On a small level, somewhere deep within her mind, Amy's worried that she's taking advantage of his touchy state. If it's simply a side affect of being dead for a hot minute, she doesn't want to use that against him if he's not truly willing to consent being this way around her.

She tells herself the next time he gingerly grabs her elbow, like he's doing now with that neutral expression written across his face, the one no one can read except for her based on the deep vibrant way his eyes gloss over her figure, and slowly guides them to the kitchen that's being unoccupied, she tells herself she's going to ask him what this all means.

Except, Shadow doesn't kiss her this time.

It's far,, far worse

Her cheeks flush as Shadow slides his hands around her hips, the flats of his fingers kneading into the meat of her lower back that's clothed by her red dress, and simply rests their heads together; as if he were basking in her presence alone and she doesn't know what to do. Where does she put her own hands? Can she breathe? What does this mean??

Blinking, Amy cautiously moves her arms up and over his broad shoulders and holds him in the embrace. He doesn't say anything, but Amy can hear and feel the soft vibration of a hum rumble deep in his chest with acknowledgement. 

"Shadow,," She whispers, breaking the silence he's hung over the two. Amy hasn't closed her eyes. Hasn't closed them the way the ebony hedgehog had once their heads pressed flush together. "Are- are you okay?" she asks instead. 

Her question has bright carmine eyes staring into her own emerald, and she holds her breathe.

Death's definitely added a glow to him.

"Yes." He says, just as hush. He doesn't add anything else, but rather curls his arms further around her figure and bringing their bodies closer together in the very intimate hug they've found themselves in.

A quiet noise escapes her throat as his fingers dig into the meat of her back again and he raises a curious brow.

"Yeah, I am." Shadow says again, and ushers forward to press their heads together in a gesture of affection.

Amy's heart wasn't expecting this.

She's been weak in the knees all night due to his heated kisses and hot swipes of tongue, but she feels as if she may completely fall apart under the firm yet caring grip of his arms around her figure.

He has yet to kiss her, and Amy bites her lip guiltily as she thinks to herself how great that'd feel with the addition of his arms wrapped around her the way they are.

"Hey Amy, Hon, have you seen-" Rouge calls behind them, but her voice cuts off the second she rounds the corner and spots the two hedgehogs.

Amy's body is searing, and she backs away out of instinct to tilt her head and gaze over to her friend who's,, giving her the most smug ass expression to date.

She wants to hide in a closet more so than ever now. 

"Oh~ I didn't know i was interrupting something." She adds, jutting a hip to rest a hand on.

Amy shakes her head, "No, you're not its fine. What's up?"

Shadow's unmoving from his spot in front of her, and his hands continue to rest upon Amy's hips, which doesn't help her severe case of pink cheeks whatsoever.

"I was just coming to see if Shads would be alright with us using his TV for a movie, since it's getting late and some people want to chill." The bat says.

"Do what you want." He says, and Amy flicks her gaze over to him and swallows thickly. Because his eyes are on her, unwavering like his grip and she's weak all over again under his stare.

Rouge hums apprehensively and clicks her tongue, "Sounds great! I'll just set that up so you two can,, continue your business. See you in the living room!" She calls, waving a hand and Amy's brain short circuits. 

She doesn't get another word out because Shadow's centimeters away from her face, head tilted and she bets the hedgehog can feel her sputtering breath against his own.

"May I?" He asks all to quietly, and she wouldn't have caught it if it weren't for their proximity.

She blinks, eyes wide and face flush because out of the entire evening, this is the first time he's asked. Not that she would've said no, but Amy gets the feeling that this is his question for permission to something much more meaningful than a heated kiss.

Not trusting her voice, Amy nods and drops her shoulders as his lips connect with hers.

She was right, it's different.

It's slow, and thick, and as her hands slide over his shoulders once again she sighs in content with the way their mouths slot against on another languidly.

The hedgehog as her building so many more questions. And,, maybe she can ask him about it another time. Another time when they're not in the middle of a party gathering, or when his hot breath is mingling with her own.

Yes,, definitely another time. 

Besides, there's no rush,, right.

A/N: AHHHH I'M LIKE??? SO SORRY THIS TOOK  F O R E V E R  TO UPDATE BUT-- here's a short chapter that's entirely too much ajsjsksksks but yeah idk when i'll update next so take this as a breather and like a checkmark to the next chapt.

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