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3rd POV

"Shadow no" are the first words to leave Amy's mouth. Before her, Shadow faces Eggman with unwavering eyes and a stiff posture. He doesn't respond to the pink hedgehog, and Eggman chuckles.

"Well, Shadow? I'd say the choice is yours but it really isn't. Give up your life or I'll take everyone else's. Its fairly simple." Eggman says while he pulls his mustache. Rouge frustratingly groans.

"What kind of proposition is that? Has this been your plan the whole time? No one is sacrificing their lives here, Doc." She snaps, planting a hand on her hip. Amy could see the concern play across her face; brows knit and feet planted. Rouge didn't like where this was heading either.

"I'll leave you all to say your goodbyes. When you're ready, I'll be in the laboratory waiting. Don't be long...!" And the Doctor strides out of the room. If Amy wasn't so upset she would've questioned the absence of Eggman's robots. 

As quickly as the Doctor left, Amy flicks her attention to a certain ebony hedgehog. He stands still; fists clenched and eyes focused elsewhere. 

Sonic along with the others swarm him. "You can't agree to this Shadow, we can figure out a way to defeat Egghead without loosing a life." Sonic says, crossing his arms in a mutual frustration.

"I agree with Sonic," Sally chimes in, "We always find a way around his tactics. What's different now?"

"From what we've seen, Eggman is all alone up here. And even if he wasn't we can still teleport back down to earth and into the President's office." Cream cries, clutching onto Tail's arm. Her eyes start to mist and Amy feels the same sort of pull bloom in the depths of her throat. 

"Listen everyone..." Knuckles groans behind the group, dragging a hand down is face, "while i'm all for positive attitude, you can't forget how reckless Eggman has become these past years. We don't just miraculously defeat him anymore." 

Stepping forward, Rouge tilts her head, "What are you trying to say, Knux?"

Avoiding eye contact, the echidna sighs. "I'm saying the life of one isn't worth the life of tons. Shadow was created here by Dr. Robotnik himself! If it wasn't for those goddamn tubes he wouldn't even be alive in the first place so why sacrifice the lives of those who have families down on Earth for one who will be no different than Eggman's new creation."

They all erupt into angry cries. Amy hangs back from the explosion with wide eyes and an aching heart. She couldn't seem to register the situation she was in. She just got to know Shadow.

"How could you say that?" Tails snaps.

"What the fuck, Knuckles!" Rouge yells, throwing her hands up, "What has gotten into you?"

"You can't possibly think that losing Shadow is okay." Sally says.

"Knuckles, man, I don't understand why you're saying this." Sonic shakes his head.

Amy can hear them all at once, angry, sad, scared, and she just can't seem to muster a word. Why?

Because Knuckles had a point. And it hurts.

Shadow drops the daze he was in and finally turns to face the others. Face expressionless and body rigid, he speaks up. "I'm going."

This quiets the room. There was no discussing the decision. The first to come forward is Tails. His face is flush with emotion as he gently rests a hand on Shadow's shoulder.

Swallowing, the fox smiles, "I didn't know you all to well, but that's alright. I will never doubt you again; ever." Shadow nods, and Tails gives the hedgehog a quick hug before stepping aside for cream to approach them.

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