Elysian Fields Pt. 1

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Lust at First Sight

You know how all those cliché stories tend to explain whatever happened next with the infamous words: it was love at first sight?


Complete and utter nonsense, that's what.

As it turns out, Alexandra Montgomery wasn't a firm believer in love at first sight.  Not at all. She'd been a bit of a hopeless romantic all the way throughout High school, believing in the good in people and that one day Prince Charming would sweep her of her feet and proclaim his undying love for her.

That is, right un until the point that Mr. Right turned out to be Mr. Right Now who was cheating on her behind her back for a full year before she found out.

It's a little tough to come back from something like that.

She'd felt hurt, betrayed even, but she wouldn't let it show. She wouldn't give the asshole the satisfaction of seeing her pain.  Blaming herself for not giving in into having sex with him, she tried telling herself that if he couldn't keep it in his pants long enough to wait until she was ready, he wasn't the right one in the first place. But it still stung, knowing she'd been so in love with someone who would hurt her so badly.

Moving on and letting go wasn't as easy as one would have thought, but with the help of a few good friends and a strong backbone Alexandra, Alex to her friends, came to the conclusion that maybe she was better off this way.  She wouldn't spend her days moping around just because she happened to have fallen for a cheating scumbag who was banging the head cheerleader on the side like in one of those clichéd movies she'd so often watched. No, she wasn't going to let that get to her. Instead, she'd focus on what she'd always been good at: School.

Finishing high-school at the top of her class she had her pick of colleges that wanted her, and after selecting the one with the best program to become a Veterinarian, she was good to go. Leaving behind her family was hard, specially since she never had any trouble at home, unlike some of her friends who'd had to suffer through nasty divorces and separated parents, as well as emotional and physical abuse in some cases. But not her. With loving parents, a cheeky younger brother and a baby sister five years her junior, Alexandra had grown up in a wonderful home, surrounded by people who cared about her.

And here she was, leaving all that behind and going off to college three states away on a hard-earned scholarship. She changed over the course of the first year, both physically and mentally. Maturing in both looks and thoughts she'd found her own way, made a life for herself, acquired some good friends and was now readily enjoying a well-deserved Vacation to a South African resort on the beach.

Their group of friends had decided to go somewhere in the summer break between their first and second year of Uni. After all, they deserved a break after having worked hard all year. There were 5 of them, and they'd managed to secure a cheap offer with a travel agency that assured them a stay if two weeks in a luxurious hotel all amenities included. The resort itself was lavishly decorated, with a huge pool, gym, bungalows as well as hotel rooms and suites, a golf course, game room and spa area. And of course the sea side resort offered an amazing view of the ocean in two of their three restaurants as well as access to the ocean.

The club was bustling with activity, specially at this time of night. People were lined up along the bar, crowding the dance floor with twisting and gyrating bodies, the music a loud and incessant thrum that could be felt as well as heard. Lights flashed along the dark ceiling, one wall lined with mirrors, smoke screens and projectors and all sorts of fancy high-tech gadgets making the place the ultimate getaway place to spend a weekend night out. Above the sound of music voices could be heard, the flashes of cameras taking selfies and pictures of the people a regular occurrence as the dance floor became a place of encounter for many a drunk vacation fling. Not to mention the small tables with high stools that lined the far end of the venue that allowed seating for several dozen people once the booze became too much and overwhelmed once equilibrium.

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