A Taste of Bliss Pt. 2

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A Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe) x (female) OC x male OC (Charles Dance) - One-Shot [Smut]

Synopsis: Whilst attending a charity event, Catherine Carlisle gets tired of all the political mumbo jumbo and seeks solace at the open bar, where she runs into no other than Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe). The ruthless businessman and billionaire catches her eye, but there's one problem: she didn't attend the event by herself... With her partner/boyfriend/boss Lionel Kingsley (Charles Dance) at her side, what will Catherine do in order to get what she wants?

In this second part to 'A Taste of Bliss', Norman takes Catherine up on her offer of showing her just exactly what kind of man he is. Now that she's got Lionel's approval, Catherine is all for getting Norman alone and seeing what the scientist-turned-billionaire has to offer.

Warnings: smut, cursing, sex (lots of it), mild sub/dom undertones, threesome (sort of).

"How about instead of telling me, you just show me?"

Catherine's words lingering in the silence that followed her question, Norman could not believe his ears. Never had he been propositioned so openly, so brazenly, by a woman. And a beautiful one at that. Despite his initial discomfort about her apparently open relationship with Lionel Kingsley, he found himself drawn to the beautiful brunette, who was still looking at him expectantly in answer to her bold proposal.

"I-I'm..." clearing his throat, Norman found himself at a loss of words.

"It's really quite simple" Catherine breathed, leaning in again until their faces were close together, so close Norman could see the flecks of green in her mocha eyes sparkling under the dim lighting of the bar.

"...It's either a yes-" their lips were inches apart now, and Norman could feel her warm breath brush across his skin, and the scent of her hair washed over him. She smelled of lavender and something sweet, like honey "-or a no"

And all he wanted to do in that instant was lean in and kiss her. She must have read the intent in his eyes, for Catherine pulled away again, a teasing smile on her lips.

"I don't think I have it in me to refuse you" Norman breathed on an exhale, raising a hand to brush his jaw in exasperation as he watched a triumphant smirk curve those plump lips upwards.

"That's not a yes, Mr. Osborne" Catherine reminded him, rising an eyebrow questioningly as she reached for his hands, which were clasped together and resting in his lap, his legs still crossed at the ankles. Her manicured nails traced a path across the back of his hands, and then gently took a hold of them, her dainty hands dwarfed by his larger ones.

"It's most definitely a yes, Miss Carlisle" Norman acquiesced, thumb brushing the back of her hands and feeling the fire re-ignite in his lower belly at the desire he saw in her eyes.

"Good" she agreed wholeheartedly, hopping off the barstool whilst grabbing her clutch bag with one hand, the other still securely wrapped in Normand's grasp "Let's go then"

Norman rose to his feet as well, letting Catherine lead the way. She guided the two of them around most of the crowd, managing to remain inconspicuous and not attracting too much attention. When they reached the main entrance to the event hall, Norman watched her throw one lingering look over her shoulder, and, following her gaze, he saw Lionel watching the two of them depart the charity event, an undecipherable look in the older mans' eyes. But he gave Catherine a reassuring smile before turning back to the conversation he was having with one of his shareholders.

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