Questions. Chapter 3

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Making tony, steve, and Bruce frustrated with me is easy. I'm not answering anything they want right I just keep saying random facts. And I'm zooming out into my thoughts about Sophie.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Jarvis's say" mister stark, nick fury and the rest of the avengers are here. Just like you wanted."

How come Nick Fury sounds so familiar. I think I heard of it before. Maybe in the lab I worked in when I was younger. I hear the elevator door open. I open my eye witch I didn't know I had closed to see four familiar faces. But where have I've seen them.

I feel a huge wave of pain in the back of my head. Oh no she better not try this again. Sophie trying to talking to me with our bond. I told you about our bond right? guess not. Well first of all we can talk each other through the a brain thing. I know little About it. And since she immortal I'm immortal but ssh don't tell anyone.

"Hi" is I in a unsure voice.

" Stark who is this." Ask a guy with a eye patch. I think I remember who this dude. He was after Sophie oh what have I gotten my self in to. And this time I tried to reach Sophie with my mind and I guess she was doing at the same time.

I yelled at her" we have to go. Let's somewhere."

" Umm why" she asks.

" You remember eyepatch dude well he's got an team of super Heroes and guess who on it. "I said to her or well thought to her.

She thought back "who?"

" Oh I don't know maybe your soon- to- be-husband-if-he-finds-you mr Thor of Asgard. What should we do?" I thought.

" Ok where r you I'll come get you" she thought/ask

"Um well I'm Um at stark tower" I thought shyly

"Why are you there. Wait never mind I'll find out later" she thought.

When I realized what was going on around me I saw that everyone was starring at me.

" Um why are you starring at me?" I asked.

Nick says" would you mind leaving for a moment. We have something's to talk about"

" That's fine. My friends coming to get me." I grab my phone and turned to leave but as I got to the window I turn to nick fury and say" it was nice seeing you again. And Thor I'll tell Sophie you said 'hi'. I think she would love that since she never saw you in a long. Oh and see yay tony" and then I jump out of the window and left them all confused. But after a moment I heard fury yell" shit not again. You guys stop her. We are going to-" bit by that part I'm already gone. As I'm flying around I see Sophie running towards Starks tower. I fly towards her and land a few feet in front of her. Just as I land it see lightening flash across the sky. Sophie trips and lands on me so I fall to the ground with her.

"Um ow that hurt" I said as I rub my head. But really it was a bullet wound that hurt.

"Oh my god. What did you do to make him so angry and why are you so wet?" she asks

I say" that's what she said" Sophie smacks my head.

"Really Millar act your age. Now what did you do" she yells

" Well sheesh I may have or may not have said your name and jump out of the window. Oh he was in a bad mood when I first saw him. I think? We should go. How far the hotel. Oh I'll finish the story later." I said all in one breath. Pretty good if you asked me.

Once we get back to the hotel I go straight to my phone. I have to hack into stark towers and delete the tapes of me. They have my face on them. I'm sorry Tony but I have to do this. And I started to hack and delete.

Tony POV

So she knew nick. And then she knew Thor. Who else does she know out of us.but man was she hot.

I snap out of thoughts when I heard fury say" and Loki is once more coming to take over earth. So we need the avengers. Who all in."

I snort and say" it's not like we have choice. Now do we?"

Natasha rolled and kicked me under the table well everyone else glared at me. I mean common it's true. And the should get to me by now.

I say "well I know I'm in. I'm ready to kick some butt"

I hear everyone else agree. Fury was about to say something when Jarvis says" sir someone is trying to get into the program."

I say "don't let them in. And try and locate them."

"I can't sir the have overwritten me and they delete all the footage of miss Millar." Says Jarvis

" Well did you track them." I say. Oh no this is not good I think as I run towards my workshop. I mean who can get into my program. I put up a virus. I'm to confused.

" Sir I was not able to track them." Jarvis's says.

I go back to the other avengers and grab a drink and sit down. I'm trying to figure out who could hack me.

Haha2314 note: so how's the story going so far? vote ,commit.

I don't own any of the avengers just Sophie and Millar and who ever else I make up.

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