Um hi? Chapter 6

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"We have to go to the avengers" say Phil

"Ya and what are you going to say to them when they see you. They think your dead" I say.

He laughs and says"well I don't know. i kinda want to get back at Tony." I roll my eyes.

"What do you want to do Sophie" i ask

"Like I said to Loki I'm going to fight with..Thor" she chocked out

I nod." I guess we're going back to New York."

Phil and I have been talking about our family's and the people we lost in our lives. Sophie playing on her phone. I'm driving cause I'm to pumped to sleep. I look over at Phil and I see he fell asleep. I get lost in thought but I still see what I'm doing. I'm not listening to anything.

I feel something hit the back of my head. "Ow what the hell Sophie" I whisper/yell. I don't want to wake Phil.

"Your phones ring and I'm getting annoyed with it." She whispers back. I roll my eyes but answer my phone.

"Hello?" I say

"Have you gone over my offer yet" ask the voice

"Oh hey Nick how you doing" i say

"What is your answer" man he sounds mad. Jesh who made him mad this time? Was it me?

"Um yes. I'll help your secret boy band. Oh and Sophie says she going to help to. Oh and we have someone else who willing to help. We all know him. He say he can't wait to see all of you" i say.

I wonder what they are going to do when they see Phil.

"Go to stark towers and ask for me" he says.

"Ya ya see you then. Oh wait do they know I'm coming or is it a surprise?" I ask

"They don't know your coming" he says.

"Oh this is going to be fun" my voice full of sarcasm. I could almost heard his eye roll.

I got off the phone with Nick about an hour ago. And Sophie fell asleep, Phil still sleeping and I'm tried just a few more hours till we get to Starks tower. It'll take maybe two hour is to get there. We made it to the city but stark tower like in the middle of the city. It's like three in the god damn morning and there people still driving around.

We finally made it to stark town and Sophie finally woke up when I stop the car really hard. Phill woke about half an hour ago.

I tried to make Sophie go in cause I'm dead on my feet but she wouldn't move so I got Phil to come in with me. And Sophie didn't want to stay in the car by herself so she came in with us.

I walk in and I can't see anyone. No one must work this early. I wouldn't blame them I hate morning too.

"Wake me up at six" I say as I walk back to the car.

"What am I going to do" ask Sophie

" I don't know but I've been driving all night I'm tried." I say back

I hear the passenger door open same as the back door. I hear them talk but I'm not sure what there saying Cause everything goes dark.

I wake at like six I slept for an hour. I'm still tried. I see Sophie sleeping. I don't see Phil. I hear a knock on the window. I look to see Phil with coffee in his Hands. I smile and get out of the car.

"Thanks Phil." I'm say as I grab a coffee.

"No problem it looked like you needed it..." He says.

"Should we go in?" I ask

He nods and says "lets wake Sophie."

"Do you have water?" i ask

He smiles and hands me a bottle. I grab his arm and pull him away from the car but I left the door open. We walk to the front door of stark tower. I pure the water out of the bottle and make it flout in front of me. I make it fly in to the car and land in Sophie. Sophie wakes up in like to seconds. She going to be pissed but who cares. I love being me.

"Common Sophie. Let's go see your favorite person in the nine rems." I say

"Don't mock my people." She yells back.

"Ha your not denying." I yell back.

"Oh shut up." She yells as she gets out of the car. She slams the door. I lock it while laugh.

"Haha you don't have a comeback." I say.

"Ya ya lets go. will go see your favorite person." She says

"But Phil's my favorite person. He got me coffee." I say. She just shakes her head. I smile knowing I won this time.

We walk in.

"Hello anyone one here." I say.

"Hello miss it's good to see you again." Says Jarvis

"Oh hey Jarvis. Is tiny up or anyone. Nick sent us. And he said no one knew we were coming." I say

"Yes mr banner Thor and miss Potts is up on the 23rd floor. Should tell them your coming up." He ask

" Um" I look at Sophie. She shakes her head no. " Um no let it be a surprise."

"Yes miss" says Jarvis

We get in the elevator. Phil look kinda scared.

"You know for an agent you don't hind your emotion that good" I joke. He laughs. It good to here same one laugh. Sophie hasn't said since we got in the elevator. Maybe she nerves to see Thor again. I mean she did run out on him like the day of there wedding day.

I hear the door open and Phil moves to stand behind us. I hear someone walk towards us. I walk out and look around its not the same room I was in when I was here but the last time I wasn't paying attention.

"Hi." I hear a pipe voice say. Why do people have to sound so happy in the morning." Are you here to see Tony?"

"I'm no wait yes... I don't know. Just wait." I say. I turn to Phil and give him a look to say something. I look at the person who came to great us. She has red hair. and she looks formal. I'm guessing she miss Potts. She typing on a tablet.

"We are here to talk to Nick. Is he here." I hear Phil say.

"He should be on his - Phil is that you?" she ask.

He smiles and says" ya it is. So when should Nick be here" he ask

"Um right away...... I'm sorry but Tony said that you died ... Hohow are you alive." She shutters.

"How about we sit down and talk" I say" it's kinda of a long story. Maybe we should wait for the others. Phil what's that one time called Again."

"It's called the avengers." I hear a voice behind me say.

"Oh that sounds fun" says Sophie.

Haha2314 note: how that? Sorry again for spelling mistakes. I'll fix them soon. But am I going to fast with the story?

Vote? maybe.

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