Kindergarten (Camila/You)

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Ariana Grande is Camila's mom and Selena Gomez is yours

Camila's P.O.V

My mommy took me to my school for like the third time this week.

I like kindergarten because my best friend Y/n always sits at my table with me and we always play on the playground together.

Mommy gets on her knees in front of me and grabs my shoulders lightly;

"I know this is your third day, but it just gets to me every time that you're growing up, Mila."

"I know mommy, you tew me evewy time." I say, putting my hands on my face and shaking my head.

"Okay okay." She giggles taking my hands off my face a putting them to my sides. "Just remember: be good, be nice, and...?" "Do you remember the last one?" She asks me.

I nod my head, smiling a little bit;

"Tweat others how you wanna be tweated." We say together.

"Yeah! Good job!" She high fives me.

Your P.O.V

"I'll pick you up after school. Okay, mija?" My mamí tells me, kissing the side of my head.

"Okay, Mamí." "Can I go find Camzi now?" I ask, really wanting to see my best friend.

"Go ahead, mija. I love you."

"I love you too, Mamí." I say quickly, turning around and running to find Mila.

I turn a corner and see her talking to her mommy.

I gasp, "Milaaaaa!!" I yell, running towards her.

She gasps too, "Y/nnnnn!!" She runs towards me and squeezes me.

Her mommy takes a picture and then starts to walk away with my Mamí.

Skip to recess

I grab Camila's hand and we go in the tunnel under the slide.

There is doors on both sides that you can close.

Camila sits criss-cross-applesauce in front of my and I do the same.

"Tell me a special fing about you, Y/n." Mila says,
playing with my small fingers that are just like hers.

"Wew, umm... My Mamí said dat a weawy good singing voice wuns in da famiwy and dat I have a weawy good one too."

"Wow, dats weally cool." She says as her brown eyes get bigger.

"What about you, Mila?" I ask, scooting a little bit closer to her.

"Well, my mommy says I'm special because I have a different body part den most little girls."

"What does dat mean?" I ask.

"I have what boys have."

I have no clue what she's talking about.

"I think it's called a.......a penis?" A penis?

"Can I see it?" I ask.

"I guess?" She says unsure.

She unzips her pants and pulls something kind of long out.

"How come you have one and I don't?" I ask kind of sad because I wanna be just like her.

"My mommy says it's just how I was born."

Present time


Camila's P.O.V

"Mmmm...fuck yeah, Papí!" Y/n moans, biting the pillow in front of her.

"Yeah? You like when Papí pounds you hard like this?" I tease, gripping her hips and thrusting faster.

"Mmhmm..." She squeaks at the end.

"Words, babygirl." I tell her, slowing down my thrusts.

"I-I fucking love it, Papí." I flip her over real quick and lean on my fore arms, burying my face in the crook of her neck, while giving her the slow deep thrusts that she loves.

"F-fuck, I'm gonna fucking cum." She moans into my ear. Fuck that was hot

"Cogerme duro, Papí!" (Fuck me harder, Papí!)

That was to my undoing.

I shoot my load deep inside her, grunting, while she locks her legs around my waist to keep me still.

"Damn, babygirl. You know I think it's fucking hot when you speak Spanish to me." I groan, pulling out of her and watching my cum spill out of her like a waterfall.

"Fuuuck." I moan at the sight, using two fingers to push it back in.

She just watches me with lustful eyes, biting her bottom lip.

I crawl up beside her and lay on my back, while she lays her head on my arm and puts her hand right above my dick.

"Remember in kindergarten when I first found out about this 11 inch monster?" She asks, smiling lightly, while gently rubbing and kissing it.

"Yeah, but, it was like 4 inches at the time." I say, moving her hair out of the way so I can watch her.

She starts licking a sucking the head into her mouth, not caring about how sensitive I am right now.

"Yep, and now you get to put it inside me, and I get to play with it..." She trails off.

I hiss and sit up a bit, pulling her hair into a make-shift ponytail.

She grips my thighs and starts deepthroating me.

"Fuck, Mamí." She takes me out of her mouth and makes a disgusted face.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I ask, panicking.

"No, it's just....I call my mom 'Mamí', and when you called me that it made it feel like she was in this situation and that would be ew."

I make an 'Ooohhhh' face. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine, but while we're in these types of situations, stick to like 'babygirl' or 'baby'. You know, something along those lines." She tells me.

"Okay." I say, eagerly guiding her face back towards my dick.

She just rolls her eyes and giggles, while my eyes roll to the back of my head because of how good at this she is.

"Fuck, babygirl, I'm gonna cum!" I groan. "Blink once if you want me to cum down your throat." I moan out, thrusting into her pretty little mouth." She slowly winks and I shoot my white heat down her throat, while she takes me out of her mouth, shows me my cum on her tongue and swallows it;

"All gone, Papí." She says innocently.

"God, how do you manage to be so cute, but so fucking hot at the same time?" I wonder, pulling her up for a hungry kiss.

"Ain't you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch?" She asks, ghosting her lips over mine.

A/n: I had to stop my conversation with Daddy to write this for y'all, so you better enjoy it. I know I said I would upload this yesterday, but I had a lot of stuff on my mind. Whoops, sorry.

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