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Your P.O.V

I was currently in Brazil, walking from the hotel to the venue with the girls.

It wasn't that far. Maybe like, 10-15 minutes. All of us thought it would be a good idea. (Yes, even Dinah.)

We had two bodyguards behind us. Big Rob and a new guy named Kenny. We don't really need more than two because they're both pretty big dudes.

Lauren and I were walking hand in hand in front of the girls who are currently snap chatting the beautiful scenery and how "cute" Lauren and I are being.

Lauren's P.O.V

I decide to take snapchats as well, so I pull out my phone and go to the app.

I hold my finger down on the record button;

"Say 'hi', babygirl." I tell her, pointing the front-facing camera towards her.

She was looking a different direction;

"Hi, Dadd-", she cut herself off once she noticed that I was recording, "-babe.", she lightly smiles at the phone, looking at me, then down at my lips, giving me a playful peck.

I stop pressing the button and put my phone back in my back pocket.

I grab Y/n's hand and pull her behind the girls.

I grab her jaw and pull her ear close to my mouth.

Camila looks back at us with her eyebrows furrowed together out of curiosity.

I just put on a fake smile and kiss Y/n on the cheek.

Camila's eyebrows go back to normal and she puts on a bright smile and turns back around to the front.

"If any body talks or tweets about you almost calling me 'Daddy'.....you're getting punished so fucking bad tonight." I whisper/growl in her ear, causing her to audibly gulp, probably out of fear, but also lust.

Your P.O.V

I. Am. So. Fucking. Wet. Right. Now.

Lauren's P.O.V

I grab her hand and interlace our fingers, walking back in front of the girls like nothing happened.

We arrive at the venue shortly after and head to the dressing room.

"Alright girls, hurry and get these outfits on." An assistant says, handing them white, sparkly outfits with cute fringes on the bottom.

"Here you go, Lauren." The lady says, handing me a pair of white compression shorts.

Your P.O.V

Lauren grabs them, saying a quick 'thank you', while I look at her in amusement.

"Why do you always look at me like that?" "You see this happen all the time." Lauren groans, rolling her eyes in the process.

I just shrug and sit on the couch.

Lauren, along with the other girls go into a different room next to this one to get dressed.

I pull out my phone and open the Twitter app.

......Oh shit...

No. No. No, this can't be happening.

Trending at #1 is #DaddyLauren.

I stare at my phone screen with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

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