you're welcome tho

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So, i'm taking a little longer than i thought i would to write the second part to Strangers, buuuuttttttt, here's a little somethin to hold y'all down while you wait for it :))

Concept: You and Lauren are dating. Camila is jealous bc she likes you, and Lauren knows that, so they're just constantly at each other's throats, being rude and sarcastic to each other during the whole interview. ((Gifs))

Lauren's P.O.V

We all walk into the building that this interview is at. Y/n had a little wardrobe malfunction on the way here, so she's at some mall grabbing another shirt real quick, since I...well, I kinda ripped it open while we were doin our thing in the very back of the van... Anyways, she'll be getting here a little later than us.

I sit on one of the couches and Camila sits next to me. "Hope you don't mind." She fake smiles. "Well, you already sat down, so." I roll my eyes and lean back, waiting for my girlfriend.

After about 10 minutes, she finally walks in and I see Camila stand up quickly. She mumbles a quick "Hi" and immediately looks her up and down, while Ally runs up to Y/n giving her a tight hug.

"Happy Birthday!" She cheers reciprocating the tight squeeze

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"Happy Birthday!" She cheers reciprocating the tight squeeze. "Thank you so much!!" Ally gets on her tippy toes to kiss Y/n on the cheek and then runs back over to the couch.

I glare at Camila while she walks my way, back to the couch. The interviewer walks in and gives all of us hugs and then goes to sit on his stool. Camila sits on one side of me, whilst Y/n sits on the other.

"Let's get this thing started, aye?" He asks. We all cheer lightly and get situated. "So, we're just gonna ask you some questions that we got from twitter. Now, some of them are a bit personal, so you can choose if you want to answer them or not." "Thank god." Y/n chimes in. "But, if you choose not to answer them, then you have to do a dare of someone else's choice." He continues. Y/n frowns. "I spoke to soon." We all chuckle, but Camila laughs like it was the funniest thing, and reaches over me to tap
Y/n's thigh.

"Okay, first question is from @laurensgrande, and it says, 'What is the freakiest thing Lauren has ever done with Y/n? 😏'." Camila makes a disgusted face, but I just smirk and look at
Y/n, putting my hand on her thigh, and remembering what happened under the table at In-N-Out.

" Camila makes a disgusted face, but I just smirk and look atY/n, putting my hand on her thigh, and remembering what happened under the table at In-N-Out

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