Havana (Camila/You)//CAMILA

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4. H

[Havana, Cuba. 9:26pm]

It was a warm night in Havana. 70° to be exact. The petite brunette was sitting in her living room, trying to brainstorm places to have a good time with her friends, but only one person was stopping her.


"Abuelita, please let me go out. It's my birthday! I'm 21! I'm responsible!" Camila pleaded, walking from the living room into the kitchen, not quite having an understanding as to why her abuelita was being so stubborn.

"Mi niña, porque it's too risky. Who would you be going with anyways?"

"Um, my friends?" What kind of question is that? She thought to herself.

Her abuelita gasps, "Camila tiene amigos??" Camila furrows her eyebrows, rolls her eyes, and shakes her head.

"Sí. Yo tengo amigos, abuelita." She sighs.

"Mila, I'm sorry niña. It's just that you're 21 now and I don't want you doing something, or...things that you'll regret."

Camila's phone rings and she runs back into the living room to see who it is.

C: "Hello?"
N: "Sis, where are you?? Me and Lauren found this dope club that we think you'd enjoy."
C: "I'm at home and Normani, if this is some fuck-


"Sorry abuelita!"

C: "If this is some freaking strip club bullsh- crap, I'm gonna beat the both of you."
N: "It's not, it's not. On god, it's not."
C: "Okay, but, one problem," She lowers her voice to a whisper, "My abuelita's a fucking lunatic and she doesn't want me going out at all tonight."
L in the background: "What the fuck?? You're 21 dude. That's bullshit."
C: "I know!!"
L: "Lemme talk to her."
C: "Alriiight."

Camila walks back to the kitchen handing her abuelita her phone.

"Who is it?"

"Lauren and Normani."

"Ay dios mío..."

A: "Hello?"
L: "Hi, abuelitaaa!"
A: "Hola, Lauren! What do you guys need?"
N: "We were wondering if Mila could come out tonight? We'll take good care of her and she can spend the night at my house."
L: "Pleeeaaaaase!"

Abuelita side-eyes Camila.

A: "...I guess so."
N & L: *distorted screeching for a good 5 seconds*
A: "Yes, yes. You're welcome."

"Thank you so much, abuelita. I won't let you down." Camila hugs her grandma and proceeds to talk on the phone with her friends.

C: "Okay, so what should I wear and what time should I be ready by?"
N: "Something you can get down in and mmm...10:30."
L: "See you theeenn."
*Call Ended*

"Shit." Camila runs into her room, mumbling a fast strew of 'thank you's as she passes her abuelita.

She flings her closet doors open and rummages through the shirts on her hangers.


After about ten minutes, she finally settles on a rather comfy, but kinda sexy outfit.

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