Strangers (Lauren/You)

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She doesn't kiss me on the mouth anymore
'Cause it's more intimate than she thinks we should get

Lauren's P.O.V

I walk into the door of our house, seeing the girls in the living room, playing board games and listening to music.

"Where's Y/n?" I question, seeing as she's not hanging out with them.

"I think she's in the kitchen, why?" Ally asks.

"Just wondering." I smile at her.

I take my shoes off and leave them in the entryway by the door, and walk past the living room and into the kitchen, to see Y/n sitting on the counter talking to Camila, who is standing a couple feet  away with her hands on Y/n's thighs, just above her knees.

"Camila? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Y/n called me over because she needed someone to talk to, since the other girls are hanging together and you were out somewhere, she said she felt left out." She tells me, quickly running her tongue across the top of her lip while looking at Y/n, who's just sitting there staring down at her hands.

"Oh, well, i'm here now, so you can go hangout with the girls if you want." I let her know, trying to sound as nice as possible, even though i'm not too happy about what i walked in here to.

"Okay." She smiles at me. "I'll see you later,
Y/n." She pats her thigh and Y/n looks up and smiles a bit.

Camila finally leaves the room and I walk inbetween Y/n's legs, wrapping my arms around her waist, and pulling her to the edge of the counter.

"What's wrong, babe?" She glances up, but quickly looks back down, not picking her head up from that position. I bring my right hand up, leaving my left firmly on her thigh, and grab the underside of her jaw softly so I can lift her head up to eye level with me. I lean in for a chaste kiss, but she quickly turns her face away, my lips connecting with her cheek instead of my original desire.

"Don't." She demands softly, but seriously. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what the hell I did wrong. I backed away a little, just staring at her features. A tear drops and the sound of it hitting her thigh makes my heart sink. She quickly reaches up to wipe the rest of the tears threatening to fall, but then realizes that she's smearing her mascara everywhere.

"Fuck." She whispers to herself, pulling her black, crewneck sweater, with the word "dangerous" on it, to the end of her fingertips, and begins trying to fix up the smears a bit.

I decide to step closer, doing the same to my sweater, and hesitantly lift her face up so I can help. Surprisingly, she lets me.

After I finish, which didn't take long, I grab her hands, interlacing them with mine, and she tries pulling them away, but I stop her, tightening my grip. Not too much, but just enough to where she can't pull away.

"No. Please tell me what's wrong, Y/n. Please." I beg, almost on the verge of tears.

She doesn't look me in the eyes anymore
Too scared of what she'll see, somebody holdin me

She looks up, looking everywhere on my face, but my eyes. I try to catch her eyes with mine, failing a few times, but she finally looks at them. My face lights up a bit, until she squeezes hers shut again.

"I can't, Lauren." She tells me, shaking her head, and attempting to get off the counter and out of my grip.

I quickly lay my head on her chest, letting go of her hands to wrap them around her torso.

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