All These Years (Dinah/You)//CAMILA

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2. A

Dinah's P. O. V.

It's been a while since I've seen her and here she is, standing in line in front me with her new girl. I know I shouldn't stare, but even her backside is beautiful.

Her lower back muscles contracting just below where her crop top ends everytime her lover poked at her sides. I use to do that... Her angelic, joyful laugh could bring a smile to a heartless man's face. I loved... I still love hearing it. Her hair's down to the middle of her back. It was a little shorter when we were together. The new tone definition in her arms are very noticeable and I can't help but to think about watching her biceps tighten when our hands were intertwined while I was eating her out. Why are all these feelings coming back all of a sudden?

She turns around and I freeze. Our eyes lock for a couple seconds before her girlfriend grabbed her face to kiss her. I feel a sharp pain in my heart, thinking of how she use to look at me like that and kiss me like that.

They finally pull away and her girl turns to me, "Who's this?" She asks Y/n.

"Oh, um. This is Dinah. An old friend." She smiles lightly at me. Ouch.

"Oh. Hi, Dinah." She smiles at me.

"Dinah, this is Tina." They look at each other and smile.

"Hi, Tina." I give her a tight smile.

Y/n whispers something in Tina's ear and I watch Tina's eyebrows raise and her mouth opens slightly.

Tina licks her lips before looking back at me, "Well, it was nice meeting you, but unfortunately, we gotta bounce." She rushes out.

They turn to walk away and I'm left there with my heart basically in my own hands. I look at Y/n one last time and as if on cue, she turns around, making my heart beat speed up a little.

"I'll see you around, hun." And with that, she turns back around, intertwining her fingers with Tina's once again as she walks out of my life for the second time.


It was short, but that was my intention.

"And it was just a quick 'Hello', and you had to go..." ;))




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