We crawl through a small opening which takes us to a clearing with more soldiers walking around, "I got two dead uniforms. I repeat, I got two casualties in Sector Twelve. Requesting immediate backup." I hear one of the soldiers say, "Shit" I mutter. "Follow me, quickly" Tess says then leads us behind a huge slab of sement, "Alright Ellie, when I give you the signal, we run" Tess says, she looks around for a few seconds "Now. Run" she hisses at me, we sprint to a car then quickly crouch down, we wait a few seconds then we run again and fall into a ditch.
"Stay away from the lights" Tess whispers, we crouch down while walking with our backs against the side of the wall, we hop over some air duct thing then walk under a pipe. We crawl into a sewer pipe just before more soldiers pull up on the road above us. "Goddammit, they're everywhere" Joel mutters as he looks out of the sewer pipe. We hop down into a small pond and a flashlight almost catches me but Joel pulls me out of the way just in time, I hold my heart because of how fast it's beating. "Be more careful" he hisses at me then shoves me away from him, I open my mouth to say something, but he starts walking before I have the chance to say anything.
We lean against the wall as we wait for Joel's signal, when he gives it we sprint to the other wall while the soldier's back is turned, we sprint again to get to a small sewer pipe. We walk out slowly at first but then one of the soldier's spots us, "They're down here!" he yells. "RUN!" Joel yells and we all sprint to get out of shooting range, we fall into a larger pond only I fall face first. Tess helps me up and we climb up to get to higher ground, we climb into this broken down house and immediately we start getting shot at. "Shit" Tess says and pulls me up some stairs and out of aim, we fall down into another room that has a lift able door.
"We can get through here" Joel says and starts pulling on the chains to lift the door, "C'mon Ellie" Tess says and waves me under the door. Tess holds the door up while Joel crouches under it, "More patrols up ahead" Tess says. We run to hide behind a police car, when we're crouched down we look around and wait for an opening to run, once we see that opening we run like hell to hide behind some broken down building. I look around one of the walls and see two soldiers walk into the broken building that we're in, "Oh shit, they're in here with us" I whisper. Joel picks up a brick from beside him and chucks it in the opposite direction of where we need to go, when the soldiers take the bait we run to the other side of the building, a soldier walks close to us so Joel quickly grabs him and chokes him to death. I hold in my gasp and look away in disgust, what is wrong with these people?
Joel sees the look on my face and his eyes soften, "Hey kid-" Joel starts to say but Tess cuts him off "No time, we gotta book it" she warns then sprints to the ditch and jumps down "C'mon Ellie" he whispers and runs after Tess. I do the same and jump down,"Alright, let's go" Tess says then we crawl through a pipe that leads us to a room that's out of the rain and has no soldiers, I breathe a sigh of relief and rest my hands on my knees "That was terrifying" I gasp out. Joel scoffs then walks into one of the smaller rooms to grab supplies, when he finishes we crawl out the other small opening and suddenly Joel stops "Shit, shit. I got more soldiers" he says and puts his arm out to stop us. "Break off pursuit and report back to Sector Eleven" one of the main officers says "Acknowledged. Get to your vehicle's!" The soldier responds. "Does that mean they're not chasing us anymore?" I ask Joel "I think so" he glances at me for a second before crawling out and pressing himself against the side of the wall "Stay in the shadows" Tess says as she does the same as Joel.
I sigh then follow them, I'd much rather be somewhere dry, and in an actual place where I'm wanted to be. We walk through a pipe that leads us under the road, we start to slowly walk in the water but stop when soldiers drive above us. "Hurry up" Tess says when they finally pass by, "I want to get out of this water" she adds. We walk to the metal gate that leads out of the sewage pipe, Joel opens it and holds it open for both of us. I walk outside and sit on a log close to the entrance to catch my breath "Alright they're gone" Joel says after looking around for a bit.
The Last Ones Left
Romantik"I can't lose you like I've lost everyone else" I say, something inside of him clicks and his eyes turn angry "You have no idea what loss is" he says through clenched teeth. The tears in my eyes finally overflow and they fall down my cheeks faster t...