Chapter Thirty Six

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Tony was up late working on something in his lair. It had gotten to a point where I couldn't sleep without him, so I got up and went in there with him. I fell asleep in a chair.
"Mr. Stark?" JARVIS asked, jarring me awake.
"Yeah?" I said, because Tony didn't seem to hear.
"Sorry to wake you, Mrs. Stark, but someone's at the door."
"Who is it?"
"James Barnes, ma'am."
"His name's Bucky." I said defensively. "Let him in." Tony said offhandedly.
I got up to go down there.
"Where are you going?" Tony jerked his head up as I opened the door.
"Bucky's here."
"Why's Bucky here?" His voice changed almost imperceptibly.
"I don't know. I'll find out."
I wish he wouldn't act that way. I know he tries to hide it, and I'm grateful, but it bothers me. I feel so bad for Bucky...
Granted, the only reason I had trusted Bucky at the beginning was because Steve did. It turned out that he was actually quite endearing, and now I have the utmost trust in him, even though he had gained my trust through Steve.
I met Bucky in the living room. We came through our respective doors at the same time. "Hey." I said.
He had a bag over his shoulder. "Can I... Can I stay here?"
I smiled and walked over. "Yes, of course." I hugged him and took his bag. "I'll show you to your room." I offered, holding out my hand to him.
He stared at it, probably trying to find a way to comfortably grab it with his regular hand.
"Come on." I smiled gently.
He reached out his metal arm and took my hand. It was cold.
I led him to the room beside Bruce's. "Stay as long as you like. Can I get you anything?"
He shook his head.
"Are you tired?"
"A little."
"Go on to bed, then. The kids have breakfast at six, if you want to join them. Otherwise, just help yourself. Are you sure you don't want anything?"
"All right. Let me know if you do. Bruce is next door, Tony's in his lair, and I'll be in there too, if you need anything."
"Thanks." He smiled a little bit.
"Of course. Goodnight." I smiled and shut the door.
"Well?" Tony asked when I came back in. All the other times I -- or anyone else -- walk in, it's like he doesn't even realize.
"I had told him he could stay with us for a while. He took me up on it."
"Why'd you tell him that?" His voice shook a little bit.
"Why did you ask me to come live with you?"
"Because I was trying to get you out of your shell."
"Because I loved you."
"And?" I continued, waiting for the answer I was looking for.
"Because I didn't want to be alone."
"You invited Bucky to stay here because you love him, want him out of his shell, and don't want him to be alone?"
"Yes." I retook my seat.
"What shell?"
"The protective one he has up against all of us."
He went back to work on whatever he was working on.
"What are you making?"
"Legs." He said quietly.
He worked in silence. I watched his hands shake.
"Do you know how hard it was to get you to date me?" Tony asked suddenly, much louder than necessary.
"It was very hard."
"Well, I had to think of a way to ask you--"
"A simple question would have sufficed. Fireworks weren't necessary."
"Oh, but they were, my love. And then there was that guy at the library hitting on you--"
"How did you know about that? Who told you?"
"Can't tell."
"Is that why you started coming with me?"
"Yes. Did you think I really wanted to read Harry Potter seven times?"
He laughed. "Oops."
"Who told you? Was it Natasha?"
"I'll kill her." I smiled.
"Wouldn't try that if I were you."
"Let's go to bed, Tony."
"Can't sleep. You go on."
"No, I'll stay."
"Go to bed. You're tired."
"Okay." I said, only because I figured he wanted to be alone.
"Don't you dare spray this again." He said loudly as I was walking out. "Hey! Damn it, does this look like a fire to you?"
I turned around to see who he was yelling at.
"I said stand by, not spray for no reason!" He continued. "I will cut you off, I swear."
I smiled to myself. Him talking to his machines gave a sense of normality.
"Don't go." He said loudly just as I was walking out.
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah. Stay. Please."
I went back inside, not taking my eyes off him as I walked down to him. "Tony," I said slowly, "Your anxiety has been way off the charts lately. What's going on?"
"I don't know. I can't... I... I need some fresh air. I'm gonna go for a walk. I have to.... I have to go."
He started to walk past me. I grabbed his arm, and he jumped away. "I'll-- I'll be back. I have to go." He walked into his suit and jumped out the window.
I jumped out after him. Unlike him, though, I had to grab the side of the wall.
"Mom!" Angela shrieked from inside.
I gave a smile and a wave and jumped down.
"Tony!" I yelled.
"Get me out of here, JARVIS. Get me out now. I don't care where you take me, just get me out now. I... I have to go, Amy. I'll be back. I love you."
"Tony!" I yelled, but he was already gone. "Damn it!"
So I went back inside calmly. Angela ran into me on her way out. "Mom, what the hell?!"
"Language!" I said.
She threw her arms around me. "Oh my God, don't do that!"
"Sorry. It was spur of the moment."
"Where's dad?"
"He'll be back."
"Are you two fighting?"
"No, we're not fighting. Do we ever fight?"
"Not really."
"Nothing to worry about. Why are you up?"
"... I was on the phone with Brad..."
"Okay. Well, say goodnight to Brad and go to bed."
"Yes ma'am. Goodnight, love you."
"You too, baby."
I was tired, but I didn't want to sleep alone, so I went to Bruce's room. I debated calling Tony for a minute before going inside, but decided against it. I just turned my ringer on.
I snuck in the room and quietly lowered myself onto the unoccupied side of the bed. We'd slept together before, even after I was married, so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal.

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