Chapter Forty Four

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"How do you like that book?" I asked Tony. He hadn't put it down.
"I like it. The male protagonist is a bit unbelievable, though."
"Why's that?"
"He's too... Perfect."
"Yeah, I'm sure that was the point." I said.
"I don't like him."
"Really? He reminds me of you."
"Don't know." I shrugged.
"He's too perfect to remind you of me."
"He's not perfect, but he's pretty damn close."
"Yes. So, tell me something." He said.
"Yeah?" I asked, heart racing.
"How is it that you can sit down for dinner and talk with the head of a terrorist organization, but you can't even come to one of my lectures because of the people?"
Oh. Okay. That's not too bad. "Having a secret identity is quite helpful in the matter."
"Yeah, I bet it is."
"Oh, I love that book!" Angela exclaimed as she came in the room. "Do you like it?"
"I do." Tony agreed.
"It's pretty good." Imani agreed quietly, which was the equivalent of him loving it.
I couldn't help but feel proud. I turned to the stove to hide my smile.
"I love Anthony." Angela sat down.
I know, I know. I could have at least chosen a cover name that wasn't Tony's first name, but it fit the character, so I kept it. I stifled a laugh.
"He reminds me of you, Daddy."
"'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.'" She laughed.
"Who told you that?"
"Uncle Rhodey used to." She grinned.
"He is a lot like you." Imani agreed.
Bruce and Bucky entered simultaneously from different doors, mercifully putting a stop to the uncomfortable conversation.
It was so weird. Every time Bruce talked to me, Tony would come up and put his arm around me all possessively. Naturally, I pushed him off every time and chastised him later. Bruce didn't seem to notice, though.
"Uncle Bruuuuuce." Angela smiled, well, angelically, and waltzed up to him, linking her arm through his. "Now, I have a proposition..." She said as they sat down.
She was gonna ask to go shopping. If Bruce said no, she'd move on to Bucky. Bucky normally agreed, but if he didn't, she'd move on to Tony, and he would always agree, but he'd just give her money and let her go with her friends. Even shopping gave him anxiety these days.
Bruce made up some excuse not to go, Bucky had a legitimate excuse not to go, and all three of them gave her money. "Mani, you wanna come?" She asked.
He would do most anything for her. It was so, so sweet. He wouldn't go shopping with her, though. The one time he did that, she had him out for hours, and he never went again. "No." He said before she even finished asking.
"Mom?" She asked. She knew she was more likely to get one of the guys to go with her. She was their little angel.
"Nope, I'm good." I smiled.
"Thought so."
I put French toast on the table as she got out her phone. A second later, she held it up triumphantly. "Aunt Wanda's going with me, it's all good."
"I'm glad you sorted that out." I shook my head with a smile as I sat between Tony and Bucky.
"Yeah, me too. Dad, can I have money?"
Bruce and Bucky ended up giving her money as she left too.
"You guys spoil her." I said.
"She's our little girl." Tony smiled at me.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Tony asked that night.
"Yes. Have I mentioned how much I love you?" I asked.
"Yes." He smiled.
"Goodnight. I love you." I kissed his cheek.
"Goodnight. I love you too."
"Goodnight, JARVIS. Love you." I said.
"Goodnight, Mrs. Stark. I love you too." JARVIS said.
"Night, buddy." Tony said.
"Goodnight, Mr. Stark."

The next morning, I found a note beside my bed. Tony was already up, so I picked up the note.
I know this is gonna mess everything up, so I wanted to be long gone before you got to read this. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I hope the kids aren't mad at me. You either.
Anyways. So, I talked to Tony while you and Bucky were overseas. He said I should tell you, but I was always too cowardly. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad and didn't make me leave right then.
I know you think of me as a brother, and I love you more than anything, but I just can't think of you as a sister. I'm in love with you. I am so in love with you.
I tried not to be, but it just wouldn't stop. I figured I should leave before I really messed stuff up.
I have been avoiding you, and I'm sorry if it hurt you. I just didn't want to be alone with you, and being anywhere near you freaked me out.
This is going to sound really petty, but I loved you first. I know I was too insecure and cowardly to do anything and that probably got rid of any chances I had. I don't know if you want me to be sorry for that or not, but I will be if you want.
I didn't say anything before because I knew you loved Tony, and that he made you happy, and I didn't want to come between that. I'm glad you're happy with him. My only regret is that I can't be there.
I had to leave. I hope you understand. I love you.
I didn't know what to do. I was kind of very uncomfortable, yes, but still.
I got out my phone and dialed his number. I stared at the screen for a second, unsure whether I should call. I finally hit the call button and brought it to my ear.
"Are you looking for this? It was in my room for some reason." Bucky said, walking in with Bruce's phone in his hand.
"Oh." I said quietly, putting my phone down. Bucky threw it to me, and I caught it, putting it down with the letter. "Is... Uhm... Is Bruce here?"
"No. He... Left a note..." Bucky avoided my gaze.
I started to cry. I missed him already. "Tony!" I screamed, running out of the bedroom and towards his shop. "Tony!"
To my surprise, he came out of the living room. "Hey." He said under his breath. "The kids are in there," he whispered as he slid the door closed. "They're pretty upset."
I flung my arms around him. "Find him!" I cried. "Get him back!"
"I'll try my best."
I hugged him, crying. "Does it make me a bad person?" I asked. "That I didn't notice?"
"No." He stroked my hair. "Calm down, okay? Angela's in there crying."
I stopped crying and took several deep breaths. "Find him, Tony." I looked up at him.
"I will."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It wasn't my place."
"Thank you." I told him. "For not, you know..."
He nodded, looking at me as if appraising me.
"What?" I asked.
"You haven't changed your mind?"
"On what?"
"Your choice."
"No, Tony." I kissed his cheek, and walked into the living room.
Angela and Imani were on the couch. Angela was crying, and Imani had his arm around her. I sat beside Angela, putting my arm around both of them.
"Does he not love us?" Angela asked.
"Of course he does." I kissed her head.
"JARVIS--" Tony was saying as he walked out of the room.
"It's okay." I told them. "We'll find him."
"Mrs. Stark, Mr. Wilson's here." JARVIS said.
"I'll be back." I told the kids, and went to meet Sam. "Hey. You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah." He nodded. "I was wondering... Does that offer still stand?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah," I smiled. "Of course it does. I'll help you get your stuff if you come with me to talk to Fury."
"Deal." He smiled a little bit.
I led him back to the living room and handed his bag to Angela. "Can you take this to one of the spare bedrooms?" I asked. "Sam and I are going to talk to Fury."
She gave Sam a hug and took the bag.
"If you see your dad before we get back, tell him where we went." I told Imani.
"Yes ma'am."
We were walking the few blocks from where we got off the subway to where Nick was, and Sam stopped to take a picture of a bunch of old people. "Uh, Sam?" I asked, confused.
"Just asking if Bucky knows these people." He grinned.
Laughing, I rolled my eyes.
"Amelia." Nick said when I came in. "How are you?"
"Good. Have you heard from Bruce?"
"Not recently. Why?"
"He left. I need you to help find him."
"I'll keep a look out."
"No. Don't 'keep a look out.' I want you to look."
"And if he doesn't want to be found?"
"I don't care."
"I'll do my best."

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