Chapter Sixty Five

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"DADDY!" Angela screamed when we walked in.
She ran, but I grabbed her. "Careful." I whispered in her ear.
She proceeded with caution and hugged him gently. He hugged her tightly and spun her around, kissing the top of her head. "Hey, baby." He grinned.
"I missed you so much." She was crying now.
Everybody came in at her scream. I gave Imani a we're-gonna-have-to-have-a-talk look. He nodded and looked away.
Angela let Tony go, and Imani came up and hugged him. "I missed you, Dad." He said.
"I missed you too, buddy." Tony closed his eyes. "I'm sorry I missed your graduation."
"No, it's okay." Imani said, letting go. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you?"
Imani nodded.
Wanda stepped up next. "I'm glad you're back." She said, arms around his neck.
"Thanks, kiddo." He smiled.
Everyone took turns hugging him, and everyone stared at him with pity. Most of us knew what torture felt like. Bucky and Sam especially, I'm sure. Bucky didn't hug him, of course. They still aren't close. Tony's still wary of him. "What, no hug?" Tony joked.
Bucky took him literally and gave him an awkward hug. He and Steve still hadn't talked much. It's been a damn year, and they haven't talked.
I stood off to the side while everyone greeted Tony. Steve came over. "Hey."
"Hey." I smiled.
"Why does Bucky refuse to look at me?"
"I think he's frightened of you."
"Why would he be scared of me?"
"You were Hydra. Hydra tortured him."
"I would never--"
"He doesn't care. He's traumatized, honey. As far as he's concerned, you were a part of it. We all know it's not your fault, but he can't help it. You'll have to regain his trust."
"It's been a year, and I've done nothing but try to do that."
"As I said, he's traumatized."
"You trust me, right?" He looked over at me.
"Yeah." I forced myself to look at him. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course." He said, like it was a dumb question.
"Even though I stabbed you?"
"In your defense, I did poison your best friend and try to suck your face off." He laughed.
"Is he okay?" He asked quietly after a while.
"No, Tony."
"What'd I do this time?" Tony looked over at us at the mention of his name.
"Nothing." I smiled. He looked exhausted. "Probably not." I told Steve. "Ask again after I've had him alone." I smiled.
"Will do."
"Is Bucky..."
"Drunk? Yes. How'd you know?"
"He's too relaxed."
"Do you think I should try to talk to him like this?"
"I don't know. You're the one who's seen him drunk before. You tell me." I shrugged before walking into the throng of my family. "All right. Time for bed, everyone."
"It's not even eleven." Angela said.
"Says the one who hasn't been awake for the past forty-something hours." Tony said. "Goodnight."
"Buck, can I talk to you?" Steve asked.
As we walked out, I heard Bucky say, "I'm generally James Barnes to Hydra."
Just as Tony and I were going into the bedroom, Bucky started screaming. "This is shit!" He yelled. "Life is fucking shit! Get the hell away from me!"
I turned and ran back down the corridor. "Stay in your room." I told Angela as she started out her door.
Sam and Rhodey followed me down the hall, but everyone else had the good sense to stay in their rooms.
In the living room, Bucky was pounding Steve. Rhodey tried unsuccessfully to pull him off, and Bucky broke his nose with his elbow. "Nah, man, I'm out." He said, and walked out.
Sam approached, and grabbed Bucky's arm. "Come on, man." He said.
"Get off me." Bucky flicked his arm, and Sam flew across the room.
"Are you okay?" I asked him. He held up a thumbs up, and I went into the danger zone.
Hey, but now Steve knows what it was like to be in Tony's position all those years ago.
"Bucky." Steve said, arms over his face to protect himself.
"You. Fucking. Asshole." Bucky continued.
"Bucky." I grabbed his arm as he pulled it up. He pulled it back down as if I wasn't even there. "Bucky, stop!" I held on.
Bucky stood up, and I kept a hold on his arm. He looked down at me, eyes wet. I glanced at Steve. At his nod, I put my arm around Bucky. "Come on, let's go in the kitchen." I said quietly, gently leading him out.
"This is shit." He said again as I shut the kitchen door behind us after sharing a look with Sam.
"Sit down, I'll get you some water."
He sat at the table.
I wasn't sure if he liked ice in his water or not, so I just got cool water and put it in front of him. "Do you want anything to eat, sweetie?"
He shook his head. He probably didn't want water, either, but unlike Tony, he would drink it and not demand whiskey instead. I sat down across from him as he took a sip of his water. "I miss Steve." He said quietly.
"That's why you beat the shit out of him?"
"I miss ninety pound Steve. I miss innocent Steve."
"I know."
The door opened, and Steve walked in, bruised and bloody. Bucky stood up quickly, flexing his metal arm. "Sit down." I said quietly. He glanced at me, and sat back down.
"I'm sorry, Bucky. I'll leave you alone." Steve said, and I was sure it pained him to do so. "But if you ever need anything, I'm here. Remember: I'm with you, till the end of the line." He watched Bucky, as if that should have caused something.
Bucky just looked away. "Can I have pizza?" He asked, looking at me like a helpless child.
"Sure." I refused to look at either of them. "What kind?"
Bucky thought for a moment. "Just cheese, please."
"You got it."
Steve left the room. I opened the door a little bit. "Hey, Steve? Is Rhodey all right?"
"Yeah. Tony's taking care of him." Steve stopped walking, but didn't turn around.
"Okay. Thanks." I shut the door again.

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